IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In society, there is a belief that a man or a woman should be at least 21 years old to go for marriage legally. I personally agree with the above statement, mainly based on the following reasons. The first reason is t
Marriage is an occasion during which the couple commits to sharing their lives and starting a family together. The most common opinion in society about the minimum age for a wedding is 21 years. I strongly support this o
Some individuals believe that the legal age to get married should change to at least 21. This essay will attempt to explain why I completely disagree with the statement given and why I think that the age should not be ch
In the contemporary epoch marriages between two parties are common around the world. However, there is no specific age for people to marry another person, thus some may marry at a very early age or old age. The majority
The proper age to get legally married in many nations is not the same, some believe that should be at least 21. From my personal perspective,I agree with this statement for many reasons that will be outlined in detail in
It is commonly believed by some people that being at least 21 is a fundamentally pivotal requirement for a couple who wants to marry. Although age has no influence in life after marriage to some extent, I completely agre
Getting married at a certain age differs from in country to another. Legalizing marriage nit before 21 , is totally an absurd idea and I do not agree with it at all . in the following topic I will illustrate the reason f
It's an incredible thing in this world, two people being found and falling in love with each other until they decide to get married. An important question is, how old should people allow to get married? In my point of vi
Many people argue that the eligible age for marriage is 21 or more. I strongly agree with this notion mainly because of maturity and financial readiness.
Many people argue that the eligible age for marriage is 21 years old. I strongly agree with this notion mainly because of maturity and financial readiness.
It is commonly believed by some people that being at least 21 is a fundamentally pivotal requirement for a couple who wants to marry. I completely agree that being mature enough both physically and mentally is a mandator
Marriage is a big decision in the journey of life which have to be made by two mature adults. This decision could bring joy or pain depending on the partner, people choose to marry. I completely agree that the older peop
Today it is a quite controversial topic regarding at what time should have the right to create their own families. From my perspective, I completely agree that 21 is the ideal point for that, since people at that point
Some argue that marriage should be legal only after the 21st birthday. I firmly disagree with the said viewpoint as I believe that marriage should be a free personal choice. Furthermore, an older marriage age wouldn't s
The age of getting married should be legally limited by at least 21 years. There is a statement that love does not have an age, and my opinion might contradict it but let me explain and provide the reasons.
Undoubtedly, it becomes uncompromising about living a good life when one gets married in society. A minimum legal marriage age of twenty-one years is suggested by some social residents. I express my agreement with this n
Undoubtedly, it becomes uncompromising about living a good life when one gets married in society. A minimum legal marriage age of 21 years is suggested by some social residents. I express my agreement with this notion. A
A wedding is an integral part of everyone's life. Sometimes, without marriage, a man cannot complete his life. In today's world, it plays an important role in improving the country's economy. It is believed by some perso
It is argued nowadays that marriage should be restricted by law for adults with the age of 21 years or older. I totally disagree with this notion as limiting the age will put many promising adolescents' relationships on
It is argued nowadays that mergers should be restricted by law to adults the age of 21 years or older. I totally disagree with this notion as limiting the age will put many promising adolescent relationships on hold and
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