The table below illustrates the total amount of male and female workers who worked in factories for 50 years moreover, the data for the workers is for two nations.
The table chart displays the data about workers and manufactures production silk in England and Wales from 1851 to 1901. Overall, it is clear that the number of total employees producting who are male and female decali
The given data shows the total number of employees and factories in England and Wales from 1851 to 1901. The table also shows the breakdown number of male and female employees during the above-mentioned period.
This table depicts the workforce number who work in factories in two countries; England and Wales around 50 years. It is clear from the graph that the ratio of employees has decreased significantly through the period and
The table illustrates the quantity of the employees and factories in England and Wales in 50 years and employees have broken down into two groups according to the gender.
The table shows the correlation between the number of employees, both male and female, and the number of factories in England and Wales from 1851 to 1901.
The table provides information about the workforce in silk production, in two countries, England and Wales, over a period of 50 years, starting from 1851.
The given table illustrates the figure for employees and factories involved in silk production in two European countries, namely England and Wales from the year 1851 to the year 1901.
The table gives detailed data about the total number of factories, as well as employees both male and female in two different states in the UK. Overall, it was observed that both countries in 1851 recorded the highest nu
The table below provides us with information about the quantity of male and female employees and factories in England and Wales from 1851 to 1901. The overall trend is a decline in total employees but there is a growth
The table illustrates the number of labours and factories in England and Wales in the period during the period from 1851 to 1901. Looking at the chart from an overall perspective, the number of employees and factories sh