IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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With regards to a claim of scientists that having high-fat products is harmful to health. Many suggest the best way solution to encouraging consumers to reduce consuming junk food is to acknowledge why it is a risk to th
There are some problems that the number of people who suffered from obesity. Especially, in America, the rate of fat in children is increasing, which is a serious obstacle. To prevent the number, we should rethink that t
Undoubtedly,fast food is becoming a serious issue among people because it has a negative impact on human health . To curb this problem, there is an ongoing debate between two groups of people whether education would work
Some people get hold of the idea that by raising awareness about fast food side-effects in public media, their overconsumption would decrease in society. Others, however, believe that people already have enough knowledge
In our ever-changing world, it is believed that the population are suffering from loads of health-related issues that came from the excessive consumption of fast food. While a majority of citizens hold the view that educ
Nowadays, in the 21st century, people pay more attention to living healthier instead of just surviving. That is why scientists argue we should eat less junk food than we did in the past. However, other people think it is
There is a quote that says: “Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.” Nowadays, scientists believe that junk food damage of our health. Junk food is unhealthy food full of sugar, and fat. It
Undoubtedly, researchers concord that the majority of people have been overconsuming fast food which is hazardous for their well-being. Many people argue that an edification system would promote to subtract consumption o
Undoubtedly, it has been proven scientifically that overconsumption of fast food is hazardous for people's well-being. The argument as to whether or not an edification system would work as a therapeutic remedy to halt t
Nowadays, fast food is being eaten by most of the people and researchers proved that it has detrimental effect on their body. Few people argue that issue can be resolved by getting people educated while others feel that
Nowadays, there is a heated argument for the increased amount of people eating unhealthy food. While, some commentator holds the idea that educates citizen is not clearly effective to reduce this phenomenon. However, th
Eating habits have changed tremendously from past decades among to society .Fast food has emerged as a new favourite among children and youngsters as it can be easily gulped anywhere or in any situation even while walkin
People are suffering with multiple dieases because of eating habit .Researchers argue that society life is in danger ,since they are preferring malnutritinals diet .Although some section debated that will this issue res
Health experts and researchers have proven that the excessive consumption of junk food can be troublesome for one’s health. It has now given rise to many health related concerns. A lot of fitness experts, dieticians, and
As the consumption of junk food has dramatically increased over the last few decades, health problems, caused by those types of food, now became one of the significant issues in current society. To mitigate this problema
It is a fact that health is a wealth. Without the well-being, people are not able to obtain fitness goals. Doctors reckon that individuals are being demolished their health by eating lots of fast food. Therefore, certa
In this present scenario, the demand for quick food is exponentially rising in the public. Now a day scientist recognises that most of the people harm their health by eating unlimited junk food. A fair amount of people b
With the enhancement of society, the junk food market has expanded more massive than ever before. Experts claim that people are now negatively influencing their health by consuming a large amount of convenience food. Man
It is generally accepted that people nowadays eat a lot of junk food and eating too much of this can be harmful to our health. While some believe that education can solve this problem, a significant number of people beli
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