IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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One school of thought holds that most of one’s success is attributable to a stroke of luck. While I accept that this perception is somewhat justifiable, I disagree that people can be successful without hard work and cons
There is no denying the fact that we ought to work hard to achieve our goals. While it is a commonly held belief that these achievements came from luck, there is also an argument that opposes it. In my opinion, I conside
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is that people mostly achieve their goals by a question of luck. Due to fact that in the present time there are a lot of youngsters who are reach their goals in the young ages.
Can we really rely on luck to achieve success? Some people believe that achieving your dream is mostly due to the help of luck. In this, essay I will discuss in detail why depending on luck alone cannot bring you far.
Throughout history, human beings have had a desire to become successful, while, when someone attains his/her goals, a question may arise, whether the success is because of luck or not. I tend to think it is not only abou
There is an extremely interesting question has been highlighted in the topic. Indeed, some people assert that all achievements of sucsessfull people are caused be luck, whereas many others believes in honest and hard wor
Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck. To what extent do you agree or not agree? however, several individuals believe that their fulfillments based on their good luck, I totally di
however, several individuals beliefe that their fullfilment based on their good luck, i totally disagree with that notion as the person attempes and efforts tha major reason for their accomplishments.
Fortune plays a very vital role in one's life goals and success. However, it is not the only factor which leads to the aim achievement. In my opinion, Hard work plays an equally important role alongwith the streak of luc
To get a success in our lives, we can not deny how lucky we have been given that were not from our efforts. However, it is not all the time we can stay under a tree to wait fruit falling down at our mouths; we need to la
In recent years, it has been a controversial and debatable topic if luck can be the only factor leading to success.From my perspective, achieving goals and dreams requires determent and hardworking, and it is not about g
It is argued that some people can achieve their goals mostly attributable to fortune instead of their own hard work. however, I completely disagree with this opinion.
There is an opinion in society that people attain success in their life projects by sheer luck. This essay totally disagrees with this view. Instead, it argues that what matters the most are the efforts and resources inv
People have different views about whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck. To my way of thinking, someone achieve their aims mainly related to their hard-working and talent. In this eaa
People have different views about whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck. To my way of thinking, someone achieves their aims mainly related to their hard-working and talent. In this es
There are people who think that having success or failing in the achievement of specific goals is a matter of luck. In my opinion, I completely disagree as, from my point of view, luck does not exist. The only thing that
It is argued that one’s success in life is mostly a matter of fortune. From my perspective, I do not totally agree with the statement due to the fact that a person’s achievements are not only based on luck but also other
It is believed that luck is the key to whether a person accomplishes his or her goal or not. I partly agree with the statement whereas, I also think that it is not always luck that we achieve what we desired.
Some people argue that Most of everyone's achievement origins from fortune and it is hard to do everything smoothly without it. Consequently, they frequently blame themselves for not being as lucky as others. I totally d
It is rightly said that hard work is a ladder to success. While there are numerous raising questions about whether an individual is getting an achievement because of their luck or not. In the ensuing segment, the provi
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