IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that materialistic things and financial status are crucial in society. Some of them argue and suppose every person should be judged by their originality and values. In this essay, I will give my opin
While it's true that contemporary society often places significant emphasis on social status and material possessions as markers of success, I disagree with the notion that old-fashioned values like honor, kindness, and
Currently, the worth of one person seems to be valued by their social presence and net worth. Lots of great traditional values like honesty, truth, and being kind seem no longer prioritised by this generation. I strongly
When it comes to the new era, it is emphasised that background is better to show people value than other factors which relate to good personalities. The writer strongly approves of this notion due to the upper class has
Recently, public has assess person according to his worth or social status. Whlist,moral value seem to be inessential for them. From my perspective, l believe that this attendence will distroy the real value of individua
In modern times, it seems that old-fashioned values such as kindness, honor, and trust are less vital than material possessions and social status. I agree with the statement that people who have a prominent role in socie
People are rated on the basis of their money power or how well they put themselves in the society rather than reputation, good behaviour and truthfulness. These days a person is identified by his financial power or his s
Sometimes in the IELTS Academic Task 1 you have to describe two graphs together. It is usually best to describe each graph separately rather than attempting to describe them together.
In today's world, a person's worth is increasingly measured by their material possessions and social status. While some may be swayed by outward displays of wealth, I strongly believe that the traditional values like hon
In today’s world, a person is evaluated by his belongings and status in society. While, some people are impressed by the financial position of others, traditional value holders are trusted with huge responsibilities and
In this contemporary era, some individuals say that the person who owns properties and their lifestyle and moment can assess how successful they are. In contrast, traditional perspectives such as hurmble, politeness, and
In this contemporary era, some individuals are said that the person who are owns properties and they lifestyle and moment can assessed how much their successful. In contrast, traditional perspectives such as humble, poli
Today, social status and prosperity play necessary roles in how the community respect each other’s. The socialites are not seeing the values of honour and kindness as vital ones in their surroundings anymore. Personally,
People's valuing process by social hierarchy and individual affluent in recent times become more suitable, by which old attribution, including individual prestige and benevolent acts, become more irrelevant. I do agree t
People nowadays seems to judge people's worth by their status in a social community and their wealth. As a consequence, this new kind of judgment left the old-fashioned values behind. I agree with the new opinion becuase
Consumerism has an essential impact on people's live, and so these days men and women tended to be judged according to their financial status, instead of their honour, generousy, and loyalty. This essay completely agrees
In today's generation, torrents of people appear to be influenced by the material world. It is argued that high-profile people are often respected and appraised more due to their social status and physical possessions ra
In recent times, it is believed that moral characteristics such as honour,kindness and trust have become less essential.Since humans are judged based on their status and physical appearance.I completely agree with the la
In recent times, it is believed that moral characteristics such as honour,kindness and trust became less essential.Since,the people are judging based on their status and physical appearance.I completely agree with the la
In recent times, human is judged by their position and physical appearance.Old days values like honour, kindness and trust are no longer necessary.I completely agree that the public is judged by their wealth.
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