IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is often said that developments in science, technology and society in over a decade have brought us a different life that could expand our living quality, so that is why we are living the life that is worth the most.
It is often say that development in science, technology and society in over a decade have brought us a different life that could expand our living quality, so that is the reason why we are living the life that is worth t
In contemporary society, cutting-edge improvements in science and technology have consistently been a topic of interest among the masses. The statement - compared to the previous generation, nowadays is the best time to
Over the century, individuals have experienced rapid transformation, ranging from science to social aspects. Given these developments, it has improved our living standards and extended our healthy years. Some agree that
It is argued by some that man lives in his best timeline. They point at the tremendous improvement he has made in his life and the way he extended his life span. I think this is an incomplete truth because we might exper
The advancement of technology and science has made a dramatically changed in this society. It is often argued that this changes will be beneficial to human such as increase life expectancy. However as to whether it is a
Some segments of society argue that technological development and improvements in other fields during the last century have altered the way we live as well as delayed the time we pass away.Additionally,this is the best p
it is true that technology and science and other areas are advancing, in science, scientists develop several medicines ,therefore, reducing mortality. on the other hand, development in technology helped in many sectors s
The advancement in science and technology in the last few years has been massive. It is said that we are living in a golden era where science has helped mankind in every field and made human life easier than ever. A rapi
Science and technology in the last century has altered the way human race has been living along with postponing the time limit we are supposed to be here for. The advances have been life changing and saving. I shall disc
Since we live in a century of rapid technological development, which leads to drastic changes in our society and prolongs human lives as a result. It is a product of the modern world and we should be thankful and gratefu
Since we live in a century of rapid technological development, which lead to drastic changes in our society and prolonging the human lives as a result. It is a product of the modern world and we should be thankful and gr
In the last century, there are a lot of progress in technology, science and other parts of society. This advancement has transformed our way of living to an extent of postponing the day we die. It is a better time to be
We are witnessing the growth in science and technology and how it is helping people by providing comfort and long life.I agree with the statement and this essay will explain the benefits of science and technology.Firstly
It is undeniable that scientific and technological advancements have helped people’s lives to become much more convenient in the past few decades. However, I do not agree with the idea that it is the best time to be aliv
It is true that the last century has seen the greatest innovation and implementation of technical marvels in our society and significant change in our daily life as a result but I disagree with the idea that this is a be
Nowadays, the development of science and technology have impacted our behavior and life. Some people think that there is no better time to be alive than now. However,I disagree with this opinion. Because, we do not know
The advent of technology has changed the life of human beings. People are seen to live more than their expected age. Certainly ,this will arise a few issues not only to the individuals but also to the society. However ,
improvement in people knowledge and technology during the last few decades have significant role in changing our lives and dying our death time. Due to this, it can be argued that this recent time is best time to be aliv
The improvment in peoples' knowledgies and the technology during the last few decades have a significant role in changing our life and delying our death time. Due to this, it can be argued that this recent time is the be
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