IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Electrical vehicles should replace the ones that burn fossil fuels and must put restrictions on using other cars. Electrical cars are economical, and all other cars burn fuel and create harmful byproducts, that’s why I
Concerns about the environment have increased over the years, and recently, some have stated that fossil-fuel-based cars should be banned and replaced by electric ones, leading to intense discussions. I disagree with thi
Some people are of the view that automobiles that use non-renewable energy should be prohibited and strictly banned from operating, instead, an electric car should be used. I concur with this viewpoint because firstly, e
Every day more and more vehicles are purchased by people. While fuel-dependent cars constitute the majority of the transportation industry,I totally agree with the idea that advocating the use of electrical alternatives
It is often argued that the use of vehicles fueled with fossil should be prohibited, to allow those that use electricity to operate. I totally disagree with this argument due to the high cost associated with electric ca
The issue of employing the use of electric cars has been controversial. It is often argued that the use of vehicles fueled with fossil should be prohibited, to allow those that use electricity to operate. I totally disa
The issue of employing the use of electric cars as replacement of the existent cars has been controversial. It is often argued that the use of vehicles fueled with fossil should be prohibited, to allow those that use el
It is argued there should be a prohibition on cars that use fossil fuel and, therefore, should be replaced by electric cars. My opinion, I agree that banning conventional cars will positively affect the environment and h
There is an opinion that automobiles powered by electricity should substitute gasoline using vehicles. As much as I agree with the idea of scrapping gasoline cars because it pollutes the environment, I also believe that
Cars which use fossil fuels ought to be replaced by electronically operated ones.I completely agree with this opinion since vehicles operated electronically have more benefits than the ones operated with fossil fuels.
Many countries around the world are becoming richer as they develop and at the sametime these countries are seeing a reduction in the size of the family unit. This essay will discuss the reasons for this phenomenon and e
It is argued that fossil burning cars should be totally prohibited and replaced by the electric cars. I agree with this statement as it is an environmentally friendly option that promotes the usage of renewalbe sourse of
Each of the vehicles that emit fossil fuel has to be abolished and replaced by those that are electrically powered. I seem to agree with the view and this essay will explain why.
There is no doubt that the increasing number of people sustain that gasoline cars should be replaced by electric vehicles. In my opinion, I agree with this provision. This essay will provide compelling reasons, which are
Since the industrial revolution, combustion engine-driven vehicles have caused a significant impact on the environment negatively. As a result, many people tend to transform their mode of transportation into eco-friendly
Since the industrial revolution, combustion engine-driven vehicles have caused a significant impact on the environment. As a result, many people tend to transform their mode of transportation into eco-friendly vehicles.
Technological advancement plays a vital role in our life. Even though charge operated vehicles have been introduced in the market, public is still being adhered to run their automobiles based on petroleum or diesel. I co
The most debated topic, should the fossil fuel cars be banned and replaced with electric ones ? ,well let us look into it briefly. Fossil fuel is very old and a proven technology whereas electric ones are relatively new
The housing issue has always been a pressing one. Many people keep on preferring to live in a traditional house, while others in modern apartment buildings. I believe life in a flat is more advantageous due to the fact t
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