IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The population of countries are increasing tremendously over the years, and many free spaces such as parks most times are left without being used. Some individuals do not see the need for places like this to be converted
It is true that there is a growing demand for more land to be used for residential areas and economic development purposes. However, I totally disagree with the idea that abandoning public parks is the best way to solve
Public parks are an attraction for many people of different ages to visit, however, others deem that such spaces should be better used to build habitat areas for the rising number of locals or companies to develop the ec
Public parks are an attraction of many people of different ages to visit, however there are others who deem that such space should be better used to build habitant areas for the rising number of locals or companies to de
In this contemporary world, urbanization has gained immense popularity, and the greenery is declining in cities. Many public opine that the places occupied by the government parks should be replaced for meeting the ever-
Due to surge in population, many people think that the space for public park can be utilised for building houses and developing economy. Personally, I believe that this is not the solution, and this affect the environme
The population is swelling at a steady pace leading to residential scarcity and financial downfall. To mitigate this, some folks assert that gardens and related free spaces should be used to construct new colonies or ca
The population of the world has been increasing, leading to the demand for housing in the era of ongoing globalization. Numerous people suggest that public parks downtown should be converted to business or residential ar
In the last century, there has been a tremendous surge in the world's population consequently leading to housing shortages. Can public parks help to solve this problem or better still be used for other purposes such as b
The world population is increasing, leading to the demand for housing in the era of ongoing globalization. Numerous people suggest that public parks downtown should be converted to business or residential areas to meet t
The given line graph provides information about amounts of imported merchandise to the United Kingdom through various transport systems, namely road, water, rail and pipeline, in a 28-year period.
Overpopulation is becoming an ever serious problem that both developing and developed countries are facing. Although many people are interested in protecting their public parks, the rate at which cities are becoming over
In cities, parks are the only common place where people have to chill out. Moreover, the trees in the parks offer shelter to birds. If this area is replaced for construction purposes it can lead to serious environmenta
In cities, parks are the only common place where the people have to chill out. Moreover, the trees in the parks offer shelter to birds. If this area replaced for construction purposes it can lead to serious environmenta
Humans are social animals. So, socialization are needed for people. But, nowadays, people are hardly finding places for relaxation in metropolitan cities. To keep this view in mind, I strongly disagree with the point of
To buy their children everything they want parents to hustle day in and out such as toys when they are really small after that video games, clothes and soon. This essay will discuss the benefits and the drawbacks for the
It is often argued that people can make a profit from public parks to develop houses or businesses. Although it can create jobs and enhance economies for the increasing population, I strongly disagree with this point of
It is clear that the urban population is increasing at a noticeable speed, and the citizens’ requests might be pressure by social resources. Even though many people value their public parks, others suggest that it is be
there has been a debate that public parks space could be better used for other purposes such as residential areas or business places to boost economies. I strongly disagree with this because the world has become a very b
It is believed by some people that parks have been valued by the majority of persons; however, the others argue that this area could be more fruitful for other purposes like construction of homes for increasing populace
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