In today's world, many children spend most of their time indoors because of the busy modern lifestyle. Instead of playing outside, they often use technology, such as video games, social media, and the internet. However,
At present days, modern lifestyle made most children spent more time in indoor places and do not interact with nature world and take its merits. Many people believe it is a good approach as its indoors safer than outdoor
In today’s fast-paced world, many children spend most of their time indoors, whether at home, school, or on electronic devices. This lack of exposure to nature can have several negative effects on their development as th
It is apodictic that understanding and appreciating nature is crucial for childen's hoslistic development. However, nowadays most of the youngsters tend to play video games or surf while staying at home rather than doing
Due to hustling rhythm of nowadays modern life, huge number of young people and children spend their leisure time doing indoor activities and as most parents claim, that they have no willingness to have exposure to the e
These days, effect of developed technic, lots of children spends many time with smart phone and in doors without not to be exposured to the natural word. This situation can make different kind of problem to child.
A healthy mind creates a healthy body. This statement has increased relevance in today's day and age where constant exposure to media devices has become an epidemic. Not just adults but even children these days spend mos
In the last half-century, technology, gadgets, and the virtual world have rapidly advanced. It can easily be said that the impact of this development on people, especially the younger generation born during this period,
In the contemporary era, many parents tend to protect their children by not allowing them to have outdoor activities; therefore, many offspring are not interested in discovering nature at their age. However, having knowl
Nowadays, the fast pace of our modern lifestyle has resulted in the isolation of children from the natural world. It is of utmost importance that young children are taught to value our natural habitat. This essay will di
In this modern era of ,technology the amount of time youngsters spend doing indoor activities has become a matter of concern for parents because they have a very limited link with nature. According to my point of ,view
It is a strong argument that while our life has gotten busier than before, many young people tend to stay indoors and they do not have enough time in nature, which leads to negative impacts on their growth. I will cover
current life is digitalised , nowadays kids are more addicted to ,electronic gadgets , like TV ,mobile phones, and laptops, hence they are avoiding going out from the home.Henceforth younger generation faces, so many hea
In today’s world modernity is becoming from nature which humanity gets inspired. Nowadays, generations are spending their time on the internet or indoor activities because parents are always busy gaining experiences in
In recent times especially in urban areas, children are mostly confined to homes and have very fewer opportunities to connect with nature. Although learning and understanding nature plays an important role in the physica
Our childhood was an amazing experience we uses to go out and play in the park , and go boating. No matter what time it is or how harsh is sun or weather still we go out and play because that was the only time we explor
It is true, most youngsters spend their precious time at home because of the hustling and bustling life. In my, opinion various ideology stands behind this. The position of growth rates in indoor activities of kids appea
Nowadays, due to hectic life, many children prefer staying at home instead of exploring the natural world. At the first glance, it can seem normal but it is not There are many negative effects to discussing this issue.
Children used to spend most of their leisure time playing sports games in the field to make their bodies physically fit during the traditional era. Because of this, they were quite close to the environment and inhaled fr