IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Throughout the world scientists report that it is really helpful for the people who in their early stage of life if they starts learning a another language in primary school rather than secondary school. Personally I thi
In this day, a foreign language has become an essential skill. According to certain educational specialists, it is more beneficial for children to begin learning a foreign language in their primary school rather than wai
Currently, several authorities consider that children should commence learning an alien language at primary schools in lieu of their secondary counterparts. From the writer's perspective, the benefits of early getting b
At present, there is a widespread debate surrounding the ideal age for students to begin learning a foreign language within the education system. While some argue in favor of introducing language education at the primary
It is thought that studying foreign languages at elementary school has more benefits rather than at secondary school. This essay will discuss both pros and cons of this phenomenon and provide examples. Personally, I firm
Professionals say that studying a new language from primary school will be more beneficial for the student's learning development than secondary school. I agree with this statement because learning a language as early as
Nowadays, being an expert and a fluent speaker in a foreign language has become widely appreciated worldwide, especially with new technologies and various ways to learn. The age at which people should begin a foreign lan
According to experts’ viewpoint, there are a plethora of benefits for young individuals to scrutinize new languages at an early age, for instance at primary school rather than secondary school. This essay will attempt to
Over the period of globalization, there has been a suggestion about the inclusion of foreign language in the primary schools’ curriculum by experts. It seems that, this change might contribute to positive impacts on pup
In the third millennium, the content of school books has played a vital role in education departments of each country, including a controversial issue about whether kids should start learning a new language at primary sc
It is an arguable topic that children should start learning the language of other country while they are in the primary school instead of secondary school. In my opinion learning a different language at folk school has m
In today's world, where connections are becoming more prevalent, there is a significant debate over when children should start learning a foreign language. Some professionals believe that beginning this procedure at the
One of the highly controversial issues today relates to whether to begin picking up a language other than the mother language at elementary school or secondary school. this essay, will discuss the benefits and drawbacks
Nowadays, there are continual arguments between children who should learn foreign language at primary school and children who should learn a different language at secondary school. This essay will find advantages and dis
Some argue that were children to begin learning a language other than their mother tongue at elementary school, it would be beneficial for them. In this essay, merits in terms of cultural awareness and pronunciation and
There are 2 advantages to take into consideration that some researchers believe that it is better for children to start learning the other language at primary school rather than secondary school.
Nowadays, people are more aware of the fact that the labour market is becoming more competitive than ever before. It therefore leads to the question of whether or not we should expect children to learn at a younger age,
In today's open world,the question of when children should commence their foreign language learning journey has become a matter of considerable deba.some professional people think learning an externe language is necessar
In today's open world,some professional people think learning an externe language is necessary in primary school. I think there are more advantages to this proposition .
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