Some individuals believe the best way to get a job is, to complete a college education. On the contrary, some people consider gaining practical experience and developing soft skills to be more essential. In my opinion, u
Some people think the best way to get job is graduating from a university whereas, it is believed by some individuals that being experienced and developing soft skills. In my opinion, getting a degree from university is
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is that obtaining good work needs a degree, while others consider that needing abilities and experience. It is undeniable that knowledge has become an essential part of work.
Everyhing has its own significance. Nothing should be undervalued or overvalued whether it is learning or proficiency. Both the issues have their own relevance for different people. Nevertheless,i personally opine that e
Some people think that finishing university education is the best way to find a good job, while others think that getting experience and developing soft skills is more important. I believe that having university is usefu
It is a well-known fact that university education plays a significant role in getting a good job. However, whether educational institutions are truly beneficial or not has become a rather hotly debated issue among people
Completing the graduation makes the students confused in their next move.some schlors think that getting an industrial experience is more preferrable than settling in a job.Developing softskills makes the person expert i
There are some people who believe that having a good job depends on a university education with a good degree while others argue that having experience and using soft skills appropriately are enough to open all doors in
It is believed by some people that getting a degree in university is a guarantee of hiring for a prestigious position in the future. Others, however, argue that networking skills are more crucial in a career. In my opini
Completing a university education is widely regarded as one of the most effective ways to secure a good job. However, some individuals argue that acquiring practical experience and developing soft skills are equally esse
In recent times, there is no denying the fact that pursuing education will increase job opportunities in the future. At the same time, improving other skills significantly enhances job opportunities alike, there is also
Nowadays, whether getting an undergraduate degree is essential has attracted numerous controversies and the public's attention. Some people think that being a university graduate is crucial for a better career, while oth
There is no denying the fact that individuals are looking for high-level professions in the future. However, there is an ongoing debate about whether university education or improving soft and practical skills is the sup
In pursuit of culture at university, individuals believe that the greatest way to find a perfect activity is done educationally from the academy whereas other communities agree that practising and expanding their abilit
The study is important nowadays,for all the side of life .Some people think that it is important to get a best job while other believe that getting exercise and developing soft skills are more important ,in this essay I
getting a higher education is thought by some people to be better than soft skills and experience in order to have a good job and get higher paied. my opinion for sure is that soft skills and experiernce in the field is
Some people that high education is the best way to get a job. While others reckon that developing soft skills and getting experience is more important. I believe that working earlier and getting experience is more import
It is an interested topic to discuss about education and work. Some people think that graduated from the university is one of the best way they can do to get a proper job. Then on the other side, people think that experi
Some people argue that having a third education is the best way to get employed, while other believe that practical experiences and advancing soft abilities is more vital. In my view, gaining experiences would benefit mo
I thought both statements can be accepted in society. I have learned Sociology in my undergraduate program and still remember that education is one tool called social elevator. Education is a process for someone to get a