IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are a set of procedures needed to complete while seeking opportunities. The hiring person might ask candidates to fill out forms which require insights about the activities they love to do during their free time, t
The hiring trend for jobs has dramatically changed along with the passage of time, from just filing an application form to test drives and multiple interviews.
In spite of the fact that requesting for employee's confidential details can be an infringement of rights, it is also very crucial to get these details from job seekers. However, I will be extensively discussing both sid
Nowadays, many companies ask individuals to share private details with them, such as extra-curricular activities and hobbies people are involved in, also information about their relationship status. Some organisations be
It is an irrefutable fact that in this modern era, an increasing number of more and more humans believe that sometimes people think that employers should ask employees for their interests.Yet, others disagree. Personally
Undeniably, there has been a drastic change in the way job seekers are interviewed. Not only they are enquired about their marital status but also are asked to share their personal likings and leisure activities. One sch
In the current decade, the vast majority could have the ability to practice multiple demands at one time. The organizations recently inclined to search for a creative character and could add to their team a noticeable fe
Nowadays, personal information is increasingly considered important in the recruitment process. While some employers believe that questions about hobbies and interests are valuable in their decision-making process, other
There are much management that asks people to submit personal clues such as resumes and educational backgrounds before having an interview. Some believe that this knowledge is essential and useful to analyze the trial. H
Nowadays while applying for a job in any organization, they request the required skill sets along with they are asking for candidate hobbies and other activities apart from work. This is quite a debatable topic of whet
Interviewers, sometimes ask personal questions like their daily routine, interest and marital status. A group of people believe, it is crucial information and other think the opposite to it. I will discuss both views an
In the workplace, employers ask applicants for additional information. Generally, this is information about marital status and personal hobbies, as a result some people opine that this information is not helpful for recr
Recently, getting a job are more and more difficult because there are many works nowadays and it interview requirement need to be thorough. About requires, while some people clamed the applicants need share some private
Recently, many people must have to face to face with some questions about personal information. Some argue that these questions are necessary for their job. On the contrary, others don’t think so. In my opinion, it is ex
Recently, secking for a job security job is more difficult, you need to pass the interview. While some people claimed that appicants replyed for jobs for private questions, like their favourite and strength or weakness,
It is argued that in some companies, employers when interviewing individuals, are been asked about their private life such as if they are married or single, and their hobbies and interests. Many suggest that getting pers
In recent times, applying for a job requires some details that are not in the role description. While some people find that helpful. Others argue this information is private and may have a negative effect on the applicat
Now a days, Companies ask individual data like habbies ,relationship details and area of interest to candidates as part of the job application requirment.It has an opinion of some people that this details are essential
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