IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some believe that importing food from other countries' farms would be not good for our environment and economy. These people prefer to export food from their local farms. I strongly agree that consuming food locally is m
It is argued by some individuals that it would be in the best interest of the ecosystem and financial state of the people if they eat locally produced food than that which is transported from a long distance. This essay
Some people are of the opinion that most of the food consumed is transported from overseas causing a negative impact on local produce by farmers which could be avoided by restricting import from other areas. Since the gl
In various countries around the world, some individuals prefer depending on local agricultural products to exported ones. While this can offer a benefit to the environment, I believe that the economic drawbacks are more
In modern days, our diet has been affected drastically by communication and transportation advancements. Nowadays our knowledge about various food cultures as well as our ability to move agricultural products cost-effect
The question surrounding whether people should only consume food produced by local farmers has sparked heated debate. Proponents claim that the method is beneficial for both environment and the economy perspectives where
society is now more focused on the transportation of meals. Some believe that the food imported by other countries can be a negative effect. Others believe that food produced by local farmers might provide a good impact
It is often argued that when individuals consume food from their local farms, it will be beneficial to the environment and the economy of their country, instead of bringing it from the farms of other countries by differe
Nowadays, food sources are packed miles from where they are produced to customers. Some people think consuming local products is the best way to support some aspects of life. This essay displays the advantages and disadv
Currently, supermarkets all over the world are stocked up with different types of products from different countries. It is the view of some individuals that consuming imported foodstuff is detrimental to the environment
Nowadays, supermarkets are stocked with food products from around the world. Some individuals are opinion that this imported food has a determinantal effect on our economy and culture and it would be better if people ate
Globalization has made it possible to export a variety of eatables worldwide. It has been opined that inhabitants need to rely on farms in their area merely because it is beneficial naturally and commercially.
How are you? I hope you are doing fine. I’m writing this letter to let you know about a recent family gathering I attended. Most families would accept that the presence of a television in the living room is more instruct
There is no doubt these days we can see several of nation begin to gets food from local farms most of them were thinking it is important for economic and environment the question is, what the people think about gets fo
In modern times, the food people purchase from their local grocery stores comes from all around the globe. Generally, eating options are not limited to the food produced by their local farmers. Consumers reap the benefit
In modern times, the food people purchase from their local grocery stores comes from all around the globe. Generally, food options are not limited to the food produced by their local farmers. Consumers reap the benefits
The food production industry has significantly gained popularity these days due to the increasing demand for exotic food items. It is opinionated that citizens should only consume the food which is produced and available
Nowadays, the importation policies and local governmental regulations create a significant challenge for some authorities to incorporate the appropriate measures. Some people believe it is economically favorable if they
the meal is a basic amenity for human life. A few believe that bread coming from different places is dangerous for the atmosphere and for the local ,economy it's better to buy from local farmers. I agree with the stateme
Nowadays, foods often travel throughout the world to satisfy customers’ needs. However, there is an argument that importing foodstuffs should be controlled because of the betterment of the environment and the local econo
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