IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is true that science, technology and business are more vital to people than music and art. There are various reasons for this problem, but governments could certainly take steps to address this issue.
Nowadays, throughout the world technological progress sharply changed people’s lives by providing lots of information through up-to-date electronic devices. As a matter of fact, it is obvious that this contemporary trend
One of the most conspicious trends of today's world is to see a collosal upsurge in people's interest towards science, technology and business as compared to art across all countries of the world, be it affluent or impov
For centuries, art has been integral part of diverse culture worldwide, reflecting the creativity and identity of communities. However, contemporary values have shifted towards prioritizing science, technology, and busin
Although art has always been considered an integral part of our society, the mindset of people has now changed over time. Nowadays, everyone considers science and technology more important than artistic work. In my opini
In contemporary society, there is a discernible shift in values, where the significance of art, traditionally regarded as an indispensable aspect of global cultures, has diminished in comparison to the prevailing emphasi
The public who love money will control people and focus on anything that gives them wealth. Therefore, the public lost their concentration on arts or machinery like being hypnotized. In the past, people's attention to pr
Art used to be an integral part of whole cultures, but nowadays, people are more concerned with other important issues, such as science, technology, and business. I will discuss the causes of this new trend in this essay
Nowadays, people primarily pay attention to business, technological and scientific advancement rather than to visual or performing art due to the modernizing of human values. I am inclined to believe that such a situatio
I think there are a few reasons why people today might consider science, technology, and business more important than art. First, in our fast-paced world, there is a greater emphasis on practical skills that can lead to
Art was known as a crucial subject in the community in the past ages although people are inclined to pay their attention on different sectors such as science, technology, and business significantly rather than art these
In the past, art was an integral part of whole cultures, but these days people pay more attention to other critical issues, including science, technology and business. In this essay, I will discuss the causes of this new
While art has represented an invaluable aspect of every culture for centuries, other subjects such as science, technology and business are now considered more relevant. This essay will explain the reasons behind this phe
Values play a significant role in society. It helps in promoting culture and respect among individuals. In these days, the values, and preferences in art among people are changing because of the development of advanced t
If we think about art, we cannot remain insensible on the major works done in the past by the most important painters, architects, and sculptures. Thanks to them, people know everything about their ancient periods trying
Art is the main feature which we separate from animals and which makes us human. With the development of technology, this acceptance has changed a lot. Even though, for a long time art has been considered an essential pa
For ages, art has played an integral role in cultures around the world. However, in the modern world , it no longer has the popularity because people are paying more attention to the other subjects such as business , tec
It is undeniable that art is a vital aspect for human beings. Everywhere we go and everything we see, we can spot all things created by someone’s ideas and creativity. Sadly now, there are only a few people who think and
Art is the significant importance to any country to represent the culture and it's also a way of expressing thoughts to other people. However, nowadays people are giving less priority to art subjects when compared to oth
Art is the backbone of any culture and its a way of expressing thoughts to other people. Nevertheless, in recent times, the majority of people are concentrating on science, technology, and business fields than the arts b
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