IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Institution curriculum is being designed in such a way that focuses on overall development of students in all spheres of life such as cognitive, real-time experience, team work, etc. Whereas, final term exam is a part of
People start to use examinations to assess the performance of students for a long time. Recently, some argue that the examination could be instead of the continual assessment like course work and projects could. However,
Around the world, it is well known that education is paramount to building societies. However, the way to assess student's performance has been always a debatable topic. I disagree that formal exams are the only effectiv
It is often said that the most effective method to evaluate a student's performance is formal examinations ,also work courses and projects are dissatisfactory means to accomplish this goal. From my point of view I compl
Nowadys,several people argue that old type of tests are the best option to evaluate enlistments quality rather than to take exams through the practical way.I strongly disagree with this statement and will discuss the po
As we all know, the education system has been improvised where extra course works and projects are included in assessments apart from formal examinations. However, it is said that continual assessments are not the proper
Assessment plays an important role in the learning process. Given the importance of assessing student knowledge, it is essential to consider how to best measure the learning that the institution wants the student to achi
Effective methods of students' progress evaluation have always been an area of contention around the world. A segment of society is convinced that the most effective way to assess knowledge is a formal examination. These
Examinations have always been a central part of the assessment for students at any level of professional course. In recent times they have become a very important topic of debate. I absolutely disagree that formal examin
Some people are of the opinion that conducting examinations is the only way of evaluating student's capabilities, whereas others believe that there are alternate ways of doing so like assignments and projects. In my opin
These days there is a noticeable issue on how to judge the knowledge and performance of students. Some people stick to the point that evaluating students through a formal exam is the only effective way to appraise a stud
Some parts of society opine that academic exams can give a clear idea of students performance, whereas it's hard to assess students on the basis of assignments and extra-curricular activities. Formal examination and cont
Nowadays, educational institutions have their own approach to assess students' performances. Meanwhile, some people believe that a formal examination is the most effective way of knowledge evaluation, others argue that s
In today's world education has played an important role in building up an individual's future and success. The examination is a formal way to assess the mastery of an individual over the subject. Continual assessment on
Students' evaluation was always a subject of debates. According to some experts, conventional exams are the best tools to assess school performance, while others think that continuous year-round evaluation in form of ass
Students are evaluated on the basis of various forms of examination throughout their academics. It is argued that the traditional pattern of conducting exam is considered to be a reasonable method to figure out a student
Candidates' ability in academic sections should be perused by various types of institutions class tests or mock. It is not accepted to measure their properties via training plan or project work. From my perspective, this
These days it is a noticeable issue on how to judge the knowledge and performance of students. Some people stick to the point that evaluating students through a formal exam is the only effective way to appraise a student
Evaluation for students’ academic work is very essential on the process of educating. However, some people in our society believe that nothing but a official examination can assess a learner’s work. I strongly oppose suc
Constantly assessing a student plays a significant role in achieving good grades. Assessment can either be of regular exams or assignments to be completed at home. I disagree with the notion of only formal examinations a
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