IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, it is common knowledge that university students are becoming busier than ever. Some people think that despite this, students should participate in other activities aside from only studying. I strongly agree wit
In today's fast-paced world, the debate over whether students should solely focus on their academic studies or engage in extracurricular activities continues to persist. While some argue that academic excellence should b
Full-time university students should dedicate plenty of time on studying. However, it is necessary to spend some time on other activities. In this essay, I will explore the positive sides of having additional activities
Full-time university students should dedicate plenty time on studying. However it is necessary to spend some time on other activities. On this essay, I will explore positive sides of having additional activities while st
It is firmly acknowledged that educators of full-time institutions have been overconcentrating on studying and so many suggest that they ought to blend other deeds into their schedules. In this essay, I will argue that i
There is a reality that while some people state that students attending full-time universities have spent most of their time studying, others advocate the viewpoint that undergraduates should also take part in a diverse
Students taking maximum courses in university mostly devote their all-time to their study materials. However, some masses expound that extra curriculum activities are equally important. As far as I am concerned, I advoca
Education play a vital role in every individuals life and demand time investment in order to succeed. Especially, post graduate students are required to indulge into extensive hours of learning which should not be done a
There is a belief that full-time university students should spend a lot of their time on studying, nevertheless, it is not compulsory to spend it on other activities. In my opinion, although essential activities are an
The time of university is a significant role in our life, and we must have sufficient awareness about it for precise use. Most experts emphasize that. The students have to do some exercises besides their studies for plea
University education is a way of imparting knowledge, skills and learning. It is believed some that students who are enrolled full time at the university should participate in extra-curricular activities besides studying
Some people feel that a full-time university student is required to spend much more time studying, others claim that whilst studying being active is also crucially important. In this essay, I will argue that university
College is both an exciting and frustrating period in one's life. Pupils often need to commit large amounts of time in order to excel in their desired majors. Some are of the opinion that students should not only spend t
According to my research I discovered that university students spent a lot of time studying. Making them to spent little time on other activities such as sports, family gatherings or going to movies therefore it is bel
Few people argue that college pupils should participate in other activities instead of doing education preparation. I totally agree with the statement and in the following ,paragraphs we will discuss the certain views of
Some protesters argue that full-time undergraduates should take the charge of their duty, which only focus on studying instead of sparing some hours for other life events. However, most supporters bolster students should
In the concurrent world, lots of teenagers go to the universities. Some of their parents think that they should merely focus on their studies, and they should not attend any other activity. While others claim that they s
Studying at the university is one of the most important phases which determines success in our careers. Full-time education demands a lot of time, energy and focus. I definitely agree with the notion that learners must e
Students are usually under too much pressure and they have to face several challenges day by day. Undergraduates attending full-time universities are using most of their time studying. However, some believe that they als
The idea of how much time should be only devoted to studying has become progressively contentious as some advocate that undergraduates should also take part in a diverse range of empirical activities and interests. In my
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