IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the field of education and employment, some people choose to work harder than others. The reason for this phenomenon is because some people do not have priviledges in their life. However, to be a hard worker is not al
Society always expects people to give their best while usually a few of them can sustain. However, it has been observed that some seem to exert more effort than the average person. This essay will discuss why some people
It is almost a universal phenomenon these days that some people try to industry harder than their mates. A variety of reasons can explain why this is the case. In my opinion, I do appreciate these people who work hard,
Nowadays, people try to do their best in their work and students also study hard for a better future. People mainly work hard to gain more money in workplaces while in schools and universities, students tend to be more e
Allegedly, hardworking employees, and students are given a significant attention. In today's world, individuals strive to uplift their life levels; as a result, students study hard to enhance their educational knowledge,
People around the world have different approaches when it comes to putting efforts into education or employment, some tend to push themselves to work hard while others prefer not to put in a lot of hard work. This essay
It is undeniable that certain individuals go the extra mile at work or at educational centres. For the students, sacrificing their sleeping time and studying hard means they will manage to access almost any university or
Competition is an aspect in education as well as the employment that forces people to work harder. There are people who are stubborn by birth and always want to grow in their life will work harder, and working hard is no
in some industries, many people try to work harder than others. In my opinion, this is because the world has become competitive, and many people want to be successful in their lives, nevertheless, I believe that being a
It cannot be denied that spending more time and effort on our work and study could usually yield more results, and such a fact leads some to generate the opinion that working harder than others is the very principle of l
Effort is an aspect of professional development encompassing various dimensions within education and employment. Number of factors can contribute to education and employement. Several factors contribute to why some indiv
Nowadays,some people work hard than their classmates or colleagues,as it is widely considered that there are some benefits to working harder than others.However,I do believe that the value of working hard for a long ti
Why people currently tend to be more hard-working at school or the workplace is a controversial question in today’s era. From my standpoint, there are several reasons leading to this phenomenon, and these seem to be ben
It is true that some people tend to be hard-working and make extra effort in their institutes, while others feel it is unnecessary to do that. There could be various reasons to prove these different attitudes. However,
In the domains of education and employment, the level of effort people invest in their work can significantly vary. Some individuals display remarkable dedication and perseverance, while others seem less motivated to put
There is a sparse consensus that many people have a propensity to maintain a work-life equilibrium. This essay will illustrate some factors contributing to this issue and will also elicit certain steps that can assist in
It is true that some individuals are more diligent than others in studying and working. There are several reasons for this, but I do not think over-industriousness is good all the time.
Pressure and competition are the biggest problems that lots of people face nowadays. Therefore, there are a lot of people who work hard in education and employment. However, why do they endeavour harder than others? Is i
It is almost a universal phenomenon these days that some people try to work harder than their mates. A variety of reasons can explain why this is the case. In my opinion, I do appreciate these people who work hard, howe
A part of people works better than others in different spheres of life. There are some reasons of this phenomenon. Partly it is going from the competition in our lives. In my view it is happening mostly due to motivation
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