IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is widely seen that the city planners of many nations are organizing and grouping the building according to their purposes, such as commercial, educational, and residential zones, within a same location. From my persp
The planners inclined to separate shops, schools, offices and homes in certain locations in many urban areas. The main benefits of this could be security and reduction of noise, whilst it might cause issues during the jo
City planners usually organise infrastructures according to purpose. This writer thinks the lack of vibrantness in such cities and increased cost for daily transportation outweigh the advantage of productivity it would b
In this day and age, many strategists plan to serve shops, schools and homes in characteristic zones and keep them separated from each other. This writer argues that the benefits of convenience and variation of products
In recent times, the United Nations passed a bill stating that all countries should reform their infrastructure by segregating establishments such as schools, shops, offices, and residential areas into similar locations.
(QG)Nowadays, politicians are planning to reposition many facilities to a group that has a particular use. This policy has raised advantages in convenience and freedom of choice can outweigh the disadvantages in competi
Nowadays, politicians are planning to reposition many facilities to a group that have particular use. This policy has raise advantages in convenience and freedom of choices can outweigh the disadvantages in competition.
In recent years, governments from different nations have published the policy regarding amenities rearrangement. Local facilities are put separately in particular locations. This writer believes that this action might b
Governments in many cities are tend to sort shops, schools, offices and homes in certain areas and divide them. This writer is of the opinion that the benefits such as convenient and fluency the work will outweigh the wa
In our modern era, builders want to arrange homes, schools, shops and offices in one area and separate them. This writer believe it is a good development due to increase in tourism and convenience
In some urban areas, entrepreneur tend to adjust stores, institutions, companies and houses in particular areas and separate them from each other. This writer’s opinion argues that the benefits of making a profit and be
Nowadays, urban planning with zoning regulations separating commercial, residential and industrial areas are a common practice in cities around the world. While this policy is designed to bring structure and efficiency t
The considerable number of amenities include malls, places of education , workplaces and places of residential in particular zones or unrelated to another in numerous urban city administrations which are trended to.Thi
Numerous cities has been planned to reduce traffic congestions and accident rates. As a result, planner build infrastructure and seprates each shop, workplace, school and home. I tend to deem that it has more pros than c
In the modern world,urban designers try to separate different accommodations from each other and develop those places in various areas.In my point of view,defects such as transportation,and roads exceed benefits.
Nowadays , building industries getting its popularity to build widespread subjects such as education centeries or accomodation in an intended for it locations . They come up with the idea in order to copy with high perce
Nowadays, in most cities, architects and builders are investing in new ways of establishing infrastructure. Buildings are separated by their purpose and usage. Shops, educational centres, and dwellings have their own spe
One common approach employed by city planners involves the separation of various establishments such as shops, schools, offices, and homes into distinct areas. While this zoning policy offers certain advantages, the nota
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