IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Everyone always has a period of mental crisis in our lifetime, especially puberty stage. It's not surprising that schools have problems with student behaviour; also, #Crime and #Education might be always the parallel ha
In today’s modern society, several schools from all over the globe are facing serious issues with students’ inappropriate behaviour. From my perspective, I strongly believe that there are many possible reasons for this,
Students who struggle to behave during school risk faceing severe and potentially life-changing conseqeunces. This essay will explore some of the root causes, as well as solutions regarding this issue.
The issue of students' disruptive behaviour in schools has sparked great concern. In my opinion, two main reasons have dominant effects on this problem, and it is certain that we can take some steps to tackle the situati
It is well known that worldwide educational institutes have always been facing problems related to pupils’ behaviour. It can be observed a vast number of causes for this issue. In this essay, I will discuss some possible
Nowadays, many schools in several nations are facing issues dealing with how students behave. Some of these problems are a lack of focus in studies and rude behaviour, for which I believe an adolescent age and overuse
In many homelands, teaching institutions are facing serial issues due to student actions. In this essay, I will explore the reason for this problem regarding their ages and tendencies. Secondly, I will discuss possible s
Student misbehaviour has become a thorny issue in many educational institutions across the globe. This essay will discuss the main reason behind this trend including the role of parents, teachers and the digital world.
The unappropriated behaviour of pupils has drawn much discussion amongst parents and educators in many nations. The purpose of this essay is to discuss why I believe such an event is occurring and suggest some possible m
Students' misbehaviour in schools nowadays is a pervasive issue in some countries. Some of the explored reasons include flexible rules at educational establishments and lack of guidance at home. To ameliorate such a prob
Educational institutes in most nations go through serious issues with the conduct of their students. This situation has root causes and solutions which will be discussed in this essay.
In recent years, violence inside schools has increased compared to the past. There are several possibilities that may lead to such incidents as showcased in news. I will discuss a few reasons for the said problem and pro
Nowadays, misbehaving undergraduates in many institutions has caused a severe problem to many nations. I have a firm belief that as a result of adolescents not taking studies seriously. However, the enforcement of stric
School is the place where we gave knowledge to children a long time ago. However, more and more schools in many countries are facing student behaviour change. In this essay, I will examine the reason for this issue and
Nowadays, a trend in education has shifted toward a student-centred approach rather than focusing on the content. However, issues regarding the behaviour of students are rising in each passing year which can be seen in v
Schools from different countries may face problems with student behaviour. This essay will explain the reasons for this and suggests some methods to solve the problem.
Education for teenagers always plays an important role in our society. However, severe schools in many countries around the world have been struggling with students' behaviours. From my perspective, the main cause of th
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