IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is undeniable that new dwellings are required,but there is no place to build them. some peoples argue that is the only way to make it happen is by using country side Plots, while others advocate that it is necessar
With the increasing population, government seek to build new houses. However, because of the myriad infrastructures and buildings in the cities, some people think that the countryside is the only locally available for ne
In most the sites, additional homes are required, the fact is merely the countryside is spare for this. Generally, the perception is , the protection of natural areas is essential so, it is not feasible there to constru
In an age of rapid globalization and increasing population, real estate is becoming dearer by the day. Hence, the general public is moving away from urban locales to remote ones in order to build homes. However, some pe
As days are passing by the population is incrementing over the globe and constructing new houses has become a necessity for living a quality life. However, the only space of land at hand is in suburban areas. Nonetheless
In this contemporary era, the requirement for new accommodation can not be neglected in some part of the world, besides the fact that it can be build in the rural areas only as city areas do not have enough space availab
Nowadays, the authorities incline to build apartments and residential areas in rural sites because of overcrowding and decreasing the spaces needed in the cities. While a part of society disagrees on this subject and bel
Currently,some individuals argued that it is crucial to preserve the countryside by constructing new buildings there while there are unuseless places.However,only a small space is used for accommodation.I think that the
In recent years, increasing population and urbanization leads to more demand for residential areas which are available only on the rural side. However, it is believed by some that there is a requirement to protect this a
Nowadays, polulation is increasing day by day and there are limited places for living in a city area, as a result, it becomes nasassary to build houses in ther rural area. It is argued by some people thatrural area need
In many countries around the ,world there is overpopulation, and new houses are required to accommodate the folks. However the cities do not have the space to buy it, and the only option available is the countryside. Man
Urban areas have been facing space constraints for several decades. Consequently, some argue that the space in rural areas could be leveraged to overcome this issue, whereas others opine that it may rather prove detrimen
With the advance of the constructive technique, different kinds of buildings were established in many areas, even the rural area. Some people insist that it is not reasonable to make these houses like the apartments or f
In the present societies,developing countries the governments are facing a serious challenge with accommodation for their citizens.This issue causes the people will be exposed to a lack of housing in the future,so they a
Recent years have witnessed that the number of residents has been increasing due to immigration, meanwhile, citizens are arguing whether deforestation should be conducted for residential buildings or not. From my perspec
It is undeniable that the population has been growing and dwellings are needed in the countryside where there are ample spaces to build them. However, it is urged by some people that protecting those village localities i
It is undeniable that the population has been growing and housing are needed in the countryside where there are enough spaces to build them. However, it is urged by some people that protecting those outskirt areas is vit
In large cities, lack of vacant lands and space has become a major issue to build new houses, and some argue that the cities should grow toward rural areas. However, others and I are having concerns regarding this belief
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