IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, countryside is one of the area where you can find the naturally wild, or get a vacation relax with your family. This place associated with some type of nature, which haven’t connected with people in constra
Nowadays is so hard to find a good apartment or a house in a city. Especially if you have a big family with small kids and pets. Cost of living in cities like NY is so high and space so limited that people start to chose
It is thinking of some individuals, that in certain areas the building of new houses occurs mostly on the outskirts of the city. Others find this option not suitable. In this essay, I shall discuss the above-mentioned no
In a large number of areas, many residents are continually requesting new houses. Unfortunately, their buildings are limited, and they expect to construct properties in rural areas. Some claim that it is significant to p
The issue of whether or not to build new homes in the countryside is a complex and multifaceted one. On the one hand, it is clear that there is a pressing need for new housing in many areas, as populations continue to gr
In a large amounts of areas, new houses are continually required by residents. Unfortunately, buildings for them are limited, and expect to construct properties in rural area. Some claim that is significant to preserve t
There have been heated debates over whether we should extend the urban area further into the countryside to provide more housing. Some people believe with limited spaces available, new construction in the city surroundin
The line graphs provide information about the variations in the percentages of three different kinds of electric applications and the number of hours spent on household chores per week in one country during the period f
In the last decade, the population of the United States has almost doubled, which raises a question about the habitat. To meet the housing demand of the growing population, builders have started to develop residential un
In general, from time to time the population of the country is going uprise drastically. As a result, competition for a square meter which is suitable for living on the earth, in simple words " land size" is also being g
The authority sometimes has to establish new homes in rural areas due to the lack of space in cities. While some people believe that building homes in the countryside are not as beneficial as protecting the environment,
A lot of area are suitable for building new homes, which are necessary for growing population. Despite the fact that was mentioned above part of citizens consider, that it is more significant to save the countryside and
Constructing new houses in the city is not an option due to the lack of space, so houses are getting built in the countryside, but some people would like to protect that area. I would disagree with that opinion as people
With the growing population In urban areas housing Is becoming a major issue for the government.More and more people are flocking to urban areas In search of jobs, education , health treatment etc. Housing is one basic a
New citizens come to large cities in order to stay there and find accommodation but find it impossible due to lack of space. Although some people are sure that it is needed to keep the countryside safe and merely empty w
It has been noted that homes are scarce and so families are beginning to move to the countryside to erect new homes. While this occurrence has its advantages like development of these areas, living in a serene environmen
Due to the increasing population all over the world, people are moving to villages to live. It is often argued that new houses should not be built in villages for many reasons. I completely disagree with this assertion,
Some people think that expanding the construction of new houses to the country areas can be non-beneficial for those regions. However, others argue that due to space constraints and a growing population, suburbs should b
Nowadays, the number of construction of houses is increasing rapidly as the population grows exponentially. Space availability plays a critical role in house construction. I want to share my views about building homes by
It is a known fact that in constantly developing cities there is a huge demand for accommodation and rental properties. This raises a concern about the benefits and drawbacks of expanding leaving areas to the countryside
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