IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the US, some states limit the hours in which teenagers are permitted to stay out at night. I agree with this idea due to the fact that this time is not safe, and youngsters could use this time in studying instead.
Crime is increasing day by day in modern society across every country. In some regions of the US, a 'curfew' is imposed, in which teenagers are restricted to be outdoors after a certain time at night unless they are acc
For some time now, due to the rapid growth of urbanization, the public has been encountered by the scarcity of residency. In this case, some people argue that buying their own residence would be financially safe and secu
It is not a secret that in some places the darker it is outside, the crueller it to go there. Thus, the special laws, letting American juveniles after some time either walk with mature individuals or stay at home, are i
It is not a secret, there are some states in the USA where a «curfew» is set what means that youngsters are permitted to go outside alone after a certain time only if they are escorted by a family member. In my point of
Within the last few decades, some areas of the US have started to establish government-level restraint over juveniles which led to complaints by youngsters. On the other hand, parental authority is supported in order to
The laws and rules are made by governments for the smooth running of society. A ‘curfew’ is applied by the government in some regions of the US in order to supervise the commuting of youngsters at night on the condition
Over the last two decades, teenagers have been roaming to around in the outside alone especially at night due to many reasons. Recently, in the United states government has imposed a new rules for teens which is they nev
In recent times, the US has imposed many curfews due to the uncertainty prevailing in the country. Various restrictions have been imposed on the citizens in different areas. Even, in some areas, teenagers are not allowed
In some parts of the US, children are not allowed to be out without their parents after a certain time, although it might seem unfair, in my opinion depending on the situation it might be a good decision. In the forthcom
Restriction orders have been forced in some parts of the US for teenagers and are therefore not allowed to be outside at night by themselves.
There is an ongoing debate regarding the curfew in some parts of the US which restricts the mobility of adolescents for outdoor activities after a certain time in the evening by having parents or guardians accompany them
A ‘curfew’ is imposed in some areas of US. During this time, teenagers are not permitted to visit their friends or be with anyone out doors after a certain time at night unless an adult accompanied them. In my opinion, a
Teenagers are prohibited from leaving their homes without an accompanied adult after a particular hour at night, in some areas of the US. As a matter of safety, it might seem an effective way to provide security for the
On the basis of threats faced by teenagers when they are outside their home, The US put a restriction for youth below 20 to be at home after a specific time or they can go outside with an adult. In my opinion, this can h
Teenage is a range of years which decides whether anyone become a well-behaved person or not. That is why a country like the US that has limited cultural restrictions puts some effort to protect the young generation by
In certain regions of the United States, strict rules are levied so that youngsters are not permitted to go out after a defined hour at night without the supervision of an elderly person. In my opinion, this is justifiab
One of the discussed topic is curfew in some regions of the USA. It is undeniable that in dangerous areas adolescents should be accompanied by adults at night. In this essay this tendency will be scrutinized and I will g
Curfew becomes a thing that people have started to use so they could manipulate the Government rules according to them . Due to these situations in some areas of the US, it becomes mandatory that teenagers were not allow
It seems that in some parts of America teenagers in general, children particular are limited to be out of home after a certain time, which is called curfew. This essay will discuss the merits and demerits of it
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