IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The preference of educating children at home by parents over letting them join in a traditional class setting has seen a sharp growth recently. From my point of view, this issue may do more harm than good.
Presently, lots of ways appear to help students get their best results in academic education. I personally believe that the drawbacks of lacking communicative skills and educating without professionalism outweigh the ben
The phenomenon of teaching children at domestic environment rather than let them go to school has became ever-increasing in recent years. This essay is devoted to weigh up the pros and cons of this nation, followed by eq
It has become increasingly common to see that parents in some nations opting to homeschooling rather than sending their children to be educated at school . Although this trend brings about certain merits, it is of my fi
In many continents, an upward trend to educate offspring at home with their parents, while, sending them to school no longer preferred. This writer believes that the safety at home outweighs the false knowledge that home
There is no doubt that homeschooling is becoming dramatically popular in most nations around the world. It is the writer who believes that the benefits of an inseparable connection between parents and their children and
There is no doubt that homeschooling is becoming dramatically popular in most nations around the world. It is the writer who behaves that the benefits of inseparable connection between parents and their children and the
A controversial discussion point is that homeschooling is becoming increasingly significant. Despite the benefits of flexibility and comfort in learning at home, this author contends that these will be exceeded by the dr
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of educating children at home instead of sending them to school. This writer believes that the economic assets cannot outweigh the disadvantages of the deficit in
In many nations nowadays, the decision of parents choosing to educate their offspring at home rather than sending them to authentic education is continuously rising. While the author believes that learning at their own h
A common trend occurring frequently in the modern day is the proliferation of education which is taught by parents. Although many point out that learning at home might help children to have more practical experience, I w
A controversial discussion poinr is that homeschooling is becoming increasingly significant. Despite the benefits of flexibility and comfort in learning at home, this author contends that these will be exceeded by drawba
It is striking that homeschooling is preferred to educate children instead of going to school. While this trend has some benefits as saving time to reach the destination, the writer of this essay supports the view that t
In many countries, parents tend to educate their children themselves rather than send them to educational institutions. The author contends that the merits of a flexible schedule outweigh the demerits of a lack of social
As in many countries, parents are choosing their children to home-based education as well as online, instead of sending them to a school this, has two sides gain and disadvantages.
In recent years, the percentage of home-schooled children are increasing. Parents prefer to teach their children themselves rather than sending them to school. Some people say that it is much better, while others say the
In our modern life, has been risen by a numerous of parents preferring to educate their kids themselves at own residense rather than sending them to public schools because many people consider that homeschooling are more
In certain states, the popularity of homeschooling has been increasing as there are more parents who educate their children at home as an alternative to sending them to public and private schools. Even though there are s
In recent years, homeschooling has progressively become popular among some nations. Therefore, the vast majority of parents choose homeschooling over sending their children to schools. While this method might be advant
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