IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There has been a rising number of children experiencing homeschooling instead of attending traditional schools. In my opinion, I strongly advocate that the benefits do not outweigh the drawbacks.
It is obvious that home education is becoming more and more popular. Therefore, the rate of parents choosing to give their children an education at home and not send them to school. Whereas this trend has some benefits,
A significant number of individuals presume that the superior strategy for learning is to tutor their offspring, also, they believe that study-at-home alternative approaches are more productive rather than school. Howeve
It is often argued that it it the best way to study at home in place of students moving to school. From my perspective, I disagree totally with those ideas and this essay will address the reasons for my views.
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is extra classes of the students.People are starting to realise that their children can have better understanding of the school program with that.Personally,i agree with idea
Nowadays, lots of ways appear to help students get their best results in academic education. This author argues that the drawbacks of lacking communicative skills and educating without professionalism outweigh the benefi
Owing to technological advancement, more and more companies use advertisements as a profitable way to encourage children to buy leisure products making parents more strained. This essay firmly disagrees that parents’ pre
Many people say that it is not fair for parents worlwide to deal with such a huge amount of stress caused by their children due to the rise of ads encouraging children to buy their products. I strongly agree with this be
Recently, homeschooling is increasingly popular in some areas around the world. Although this trend has some benefits, I would argue that the negative effects of this trend are far more significant.
It is true that at present, more and more families choose to educate their children at home rather than send them to school. Although this can bring about some positive impacts, it can also be detrimental to a certain ex
Recently, the ratio of parents selecting homeschooling instead of sending them to school has significantly increased. The writer believes that this method’s positive sides cannot outweigh the drawbacks and the writer wil
It is striking that homeschooling is preferred to educate children instead of going to school. While this trend has some benefits as saving time to reach the destination, the writer of this essay supports the view that t
In many countries, parents tend to educate their children themselves rather than send them to educational institutions. The author contends that the merits of a flexible schedule outweigh the demerits of a lack of social
In some nations, many children have been educated by their parents at home rather than being sent to education center. I believe that the demerits of this way of learning is more than the merits which will be discussed i
It has been argued that children should be educated by their parents at home instead of going to school. While I accept educating at home is beneficial for children, I believe that it has more negative impacts on their l
Home education has become a popular alternative to traditional schooling in some countries. While this admittedly has certain benefits, I would argue that the drawbacks are more significant.
Nowadays, rather than seeking a famous school for their child, various parents prefer to educate their children at their home. While some oppose that self education have various merits, I agree with the idea that drawbac
It is still a subject of debate whether the homeschooling system for students is the right path for them as many people say that traditional schools have more suitable feasibility for pupils. In this essay, I disagree wi
Many parents in Vietnam choose to teach their kids at home instead of sending them to school. Some children feel sad because they miss playing with friends, while others are happy to skip homework. I'll explain my though
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