IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In our modern time, there are several ways of thinking about taking the gap year between finishing high school and starting university. Work or travel is one of the promising ways for students who do not know what they a
In our modern times, communication plays an important role in the world because everyone has their social life. Some are of the view, that an international official language is unnecessary to use since it can create mis
In our modern time, it is common for young society to work and travel before attending university. From some people’s perspective, it is better for the students to provide performance experience and that can lead to bett
In our modern time, it is common for young people to work and travel before attending university. From some people’s perspective, it is better for the students to provide work experience and that can lead to better caree
In a few of the nations in the world, it is preferred by the youth to take a gap year between the completion of school and starting college. In my opinion, It is beneficial because the time period can be utilized by acqu
Nowadays, some privileged students in developed countries prefer to take a gap year for travel or work before getting involved in their formal university education. In this essay, I will elaborate on the merits and demer
It is a common belief that young individuals are not encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school program and starting university learning in some countries. However, there is a more persuasive a
It is ubiquitous for privileged students from developed countries to take a gap year for travel or work between the end of high school and the beginning of university. In this essay, I will elaborate on the merits and de
In many parts of the world nowadays, high school graduates are encouraged to take a year off to work or travel, before getting involved directly in their formal university education. In this essay, I am going to discuss
In some countries, it is recommended to students to travel for a year between graduating high school and commencing university. This essay will explore the benefits and drawbacks of this.
In certain nations, adolescents are urged to get into employment or venture for at least 1 year after graduating from high school before contemplating starting their university careers. Personally, I believe this can onl
Many people around the globe believe that one must work before proceeding to go for higher education. That notion, however, depends on which areas of life one considers being vital and requires first priority. This essay
Nowadays, Students play a vital role in economic growth and also the development of the nation. It's always said that youngsters who are out of high school have to take a break for work or travel before enrolling for the
Youth is the future of every country. In some countries, students are encouraged to work or travel for a year after finishing high school and before starting an educational institution . This essay will highlight the adv
In our new age of independence, a notion is spreading widely among the young society to have a one-year break between secondary school and university, for the purpose of either having leisure time or gaining experience.
In recent times, the youth is motivated to work or explore other places for a year as soon as they finish high school. Some believe that there are more merits as we gain experience while others believe that it’s just a w
Youth is always considered the most amazing one in all seasons of life.Many countries motivate young people to explore different places before they start their university life.The majority of people argue that this phen
In the modern world, learners before higher education are advocated to take a gap year in order to commence working life or experience trips abroad. Although this preference has some merits, demerits are available and sh
Now a days in some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year after finishing school and before starting university studies and goind to discuss pros and cons of gap year in this essay with giving
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