IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is becoming a new trend in several societies, especially in schools, that male students prefer science subjects and female students prefer art subjects. There are causes of this issue and solutions that should be cons
There is a noticeable dissimilarity between girls and boys in choosing majors at universities. More boys participate in scientific majors, while more girls prefer art subjects. This tendency is influenced by the unique b
There is a noticeable dissimilarity between girls and boys in choosing majors at universities. More boys participate in scientific majors, while more girls prefer art subjects. This tendency is influenced by the unique b
Arts subjects are chosen by schoolgirls, and science subjects are chosen by boys in schools and universities. Young women love arts subjects, and boys like technique subjects because of the effect of outside environments
It is a fact that female students are more inclined towards the arts namely languages while boys get allured by the sciences such as physics. As per my viewpoint it is the case in majority of subject choices due to socie
Gender disparity in subject choices, where girls often opt for arts subjects like literature while boys lean towards science subjects such as physics, is a persistent trend in many schools and universities. This phenomen
The importance of art and science has always been debatable but now has become controversial. There are so many pupils who believe that females should take art subjects and boys should prefer the science stream in schoo
The importance of art and science has always debatable but now has become controversial. There are so many pupils believe that females should take art subjects and boys should prefer the science stream in school or unive
It is argued that a vast majority of girls are highly passionate about studying art subjects rather than the other science ones namely physics, math and chemistry; while boys follow the opposite trend. In my opinion, it
Higher education provides various majors and subjects for every student to pursue. It is often discussed that the majority of boys rather choose to study science while girls prefer to study arts. I believe there are mult
These days, most girls are into choosing subjects related to arts in academic areas while boys are enthusiastic about science. There are a number of numerous reasons for this notion and I believe that this tendency shoul
A large number of species are whipping out every year, and this has imperilled Earth's ecosystem in a way that has never been experienced before. Although the protection of animals may seem absurd, when many humans are i
In the modern era, it can be seen that students tend to choose their subjects according to the gender such as females and males selecting easthetic and science subjects respectively. This essay explains the causes for th
To this day, people still have not reached an agreement on the preferences of studies between girls and boys. To think that girls have a tendency to choose subjects related to art whereas boys tend to choose subjects rel
It is sometimes argued that at different educational levels, girls prefer to study art subjects, while boys prefer to study science majors. Although there are several reasons for that, I believe social stigma plays the m
It is true that some specific courses are popular for just one gender in some schools and universities. While this is a serious problem, it can be solved by offering education to change old beliefs.
When learning at school and college, female students tend to consider arts as their preference, while the priority of the majority of males is scientific subjects. The reasons of these choices as well as whether students
Back in history, educational opportunities had been dedicated to males, while females were deprived of schooling. These days although educational opportunities are equally distributed to both genders, however, in choosin
Boys and girls have to divide subjects when they are in high school and college and choose their favourite subjects for further study. Usually, in science classes, the number of boys far outnumbers girls, but in liberal
There is a gender-based separation in academic areas based on what subject they choose. This issue is probably due to some reasons, which I will delve into this essay and my opinion.
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