IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Novelty in a product innovation is the main value that often businesses offer when they set up a new campaign. This occurrence implies a high tension of competition, thereby denoting positive trends.
Novelty in a product innovation is the main value that often businesses offer when they set up a new campaign. This occurrence implies a high tension of competition, thereby denoting positive trends.
These days, in their commercials, companies tend to declare that the products which belong to them are new in some way. It may be because people always think that new is always better. What I believe is this approach aff
It is true that advertisements influent the consumers’ purchasing habits by means of stressing their newly innovated changes. This, in my opinion, seems to be utilizing the psychological aspects in persuading potential c
One of the most prevalent trends in the contemporary world is the cumulative increase in marketing business. It is a completely positive development if buy a new product it will be more advanced and accurate. This stance
In recent times, it's quite common for companies to highlight their products as 'new' in their advertisements. This approach is driven by a desire to attract more customers, and I believe it's a clever strategy.
In the contemporary world, the main emphasis of business advertising is put on the newness of the product in the market as opposed to other similar products. In this essay, I will discuss, what are the reasons for this o
Nowadays, brands are often commercialising the products they sell by highlighting new features that come with them. This essay will cover the underlying factors behind this action, which mainly are related to the brand’s
In the contemporary commercial landscape, a prevalent trend in the promotion of commodities is the accentuation of their novelty. This essay will delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon and argue that, overall, it
There is no denying the fact that in our modern life, advertisement campaigns have become crucial. While it is a commonly held belief that emphasising that the products are new is essential, there is also an argument tha
whether we like it or not, over the past few decades, companies' advertising campaigns focused more on illustrating that their product comprised new aspects that have triggered an untold amount of debate among various fo
In the advertising world, it is currently a trend for brands to showcase their products as an innovation by any means. Although there has been contention on whether this is beneficial or detrimental, I strongly believe t
It is becoming increasingly common for businesses to highlight that their products are the latest ones in certain ways because of several factors. I, hereby, believe that this trend could be a negative one for some follo
Advertisements are a tool to enhance a brand's exposure. These days, companies are promoting their products by giving them a new addition in some way to pique potential customer interest by giving them something to look
At present, companies are often bringing out the new features about their products to highlight as their marketing strategy because this makes these stand out to their customers. From my point of view, it is acceptable a
Nowadays, enterprises' main focus is to offer their items in new ways,in their campaigns.The reason behind this is to compete and attract their customers.According to me,this is a negative development.
In the last decades, thanks to the development of technology and the Internet, launching and advertising new products have gotten various forms in different virtual platforms. Regards to this cut-throat competition among
Recently, it has been argued that companies have taken advantage of advertising to introduce their new manufacturers. I believe that it has a positive effect on communities, while they attempt to lead the market in their
It is argued that companies by using various methods in their advertising are trying to announce new features. While it seems like a competition among manufacturers, I believe that it would have positive effects on commu
It is undeniable that with the boom of society, advertising is becoming increasingly prevalent at an amazing rate. Nowadays tend to place an emphasis on the novelty of their products in various ways. There are various r
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