Some people believe that using fossil fuels in cars is one of the main reasons for air pollution. Therefore, we should decrease petrol consumption in several ways including rising its cost. Although it can provide a bett
Some people believe that using fossil fuels by cars is one of the main reasons for air pollution therefore we should decrease petrol consumption in several ways including rising its cost. Although it can provide a better
Nowadays, petrol has various uses all around the world. Some people hold the view that rising the price of it will reduce growing traffic and pollution problems. However, personally, I disagree with this notion. This ess
Petrol is the main fuel used for vehicles and engine machines, which is the main cause of traffic and pollution problems. Many countries are finding ways to cope with these problems. Some people said that one solution to
It is believed that raising the cost of fuel is the finest method to sort out expanding traffic and environmental issue. In my opinion, I disagree with the idea that higher petrol prices could solve these problems and I
It is a saying that higher price of petrol is the best solution to tackle the increasing traffic and pollution problems. I totally disagree with it, and this essay will explain why and gives my opinion about other effect
Obviously, when personal welfare is a priority in daily life, the rate of using private cars will increase rapidly, which influences on, problems such as traffic jams and air pollution. As the first ,step public thinks
Industrialisation and increase in the working population has caused an overuse of motor vehicles in todays day and age. The implementation of higher prices of petrol has been suggested as one way of fixing the dialemma o
The increasing number of land transport has caused tremendous environmental pollution and traffic congestion. The globe is rapidly suffering from noise and air pollution produced by large numbers of cars. Hence, therefor
Across all countries worldwide, the major problems that are raised are increasing traffic jam and pollution. Many people think that increasing the price of petrol will help in solving these problems. I somehow agree with
With the advent of technology and ever-growing population, traffic and pollution have become major problems in the modern world. It is proposed that an escalation in the fuel tariff will put an end to these issues. In
Some experts believe that the rising price of crude oil is the finest solution to deal with the problems such as burgeoning traffic congestion and contamination. I unequivocally agree with this opinion as high prices of
It is believed by some people that the low petrol price is the primary reason to lead the issues of traffic and pollution and the best solving method is to enhance petrol price. While the high price is crucial for the in
It is believed by some people that the low petrol price is the primary reason to lead the issues of traffic and pollution and the best method to enhance petrol price. While the high price is crucial for the increased tra
Although we usually forget, petrol plays a major role in every country’s transportation system. Most of the vehicles are run by petrol and there are still several problems with managing the use of petrol and increasing n
Traffic congestion and climate change are the warning issues that people all around the world have to face with it. Raising the price of petrol is considered to be the best solution to deal with these two global problems
It is sometimes people argued that the higher petrol price, the fewer issues about traffic and pollution. I partly agree with this and I believe that governments can take others steps to improve this situation.
Nowadays the traffic is more and more congested and the pollution of the environment is on the rise because of this. People are choosing cars over public transportation or other alternative transportation solutions in or