IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is common knowledge of the indispensable role technology plays in our everyday life. More often people rely on these innovative tools and change their entire life for their own benefit, such as the home office. In thi
Nowadays, information technology gives opportunities to relocate office workplace wherever you want ( for instance at home, when travelling, etc.). It has some advantages as well as disadvantages. In this essay I will fu
Some people believe that technology provides a great option for distance working nowadays ,while others claim that it may have a negative influence on their future working abilities.There are two sides to the statement
Modern technology has now changed the world. The world has come so close that you can do anything sitting at any corner of the world in the blink of an eye. I totally agree with the statement that it has its own advantag
The question of whether the benefits given by new IT progresses on work flexibility outweigh its downsides has been sparking the debates for quite some time. While many people sustain that it is, in fact, extremely conve
In the modern world, the constant routine working day is changing and the vast majority of people prefer to work online. This essay will attempt to explain why I believe that the benefits of this situation outweigh the d
Technological progress become part of our everyday society that allows us to efforts from different places in the world. Many people believe that there are much more pros of working remotely, such as doing jobs everywher
With the advent of technological advancements, the working structure witnessed an unbelievable transformation. Employees these days are able to work from home, at airports and almost everywhere. There are many advantages
Technological improvements allow us to change things in our daily lives such as working in our homes or far away from our workplaces. This essay will attempt to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of having mobility
Nowadays many personnel have the possibility to work outside their workplace thanks to the advances in technology. This essay will attempt to explain why I believe that the benefits of this situation outweigh the disadva
A 36-year-old male reported to the Department of Periodontics with a chief complaint of a small single painful boil on the gum of left upper posterior tooth from the last 10 days. He had a history of Covid-19 infection f
Technology has helped a lot of people to do their work tasks outside their offices such as at their homes or they can be in another country, so the technological benefits of mobility outweigh the disadvantages.
It is true that due to the advancement of information technology a large number of people can work outside their job place. Nowadays, individuals can work at home and even travel wherever they find appropriate. The benef
in recent years, the advancement in technology makes people's life easier, many professional workers are able to do their work remotely, such as work while babysitting children. besides, it also creates several problems.
The newest technologies are allowing more people to have an altered way of working. Many began working from home due to mobile phones, notebooks, iPad and their combinations to the internet. Although there are distinct a
Nowadays, more and more people tend to have an opportunity to work with technological devices such as laptops, smartphones, and so forth everywhere. Although there are many disadvantages related to people's health, you c
In this technology era, gadgets like mobile and laptop make peoples’ life easy and by this they can work from home. Whilst, acknowledging that there are some drawbacks, this essay will argue that the advantages of mobili
Information technology is also known as “IT” plays a key role in a business. People use techology to work, communicate and make decisions in a business. While there are many advantages of IT, it does have its drawbacks.
Nowadays, we have an opportunity to work from home or from any place in the world through the computer, smartphones, and tablets. People started working from home instead of sitting in an office the whole day during Covi
Recently numerous new information technologies have been appearing. They allow people to do their work remotely. I believe there are a lot of disadvantages however the benefits completely overweight all of them.
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