IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In modern society, travelling globally is very common since aircraft are invented. While some propose that tourists can generate fortunes for many countries, conversely, I believe global tourism can impose detrimental ef
International travel is a major industry in many regions as it brings prerequisite to the host rustic. These public rely heavily on the income these societies bring and will often overlook the negative impacts that touri
The international travelling industry has brought considerable incomes to society and towns across the world. International tourists travel to many different lands and the local business relies on them to make profits fo
Tourism is the most developing sector among various parts of the world,as it brought benefits to many places. On the same note, they cause damage to local residents and the surrounding environment. In my view, though it
While it is true that gobal tourism has given birth to various benefits and provided gains for different localities, there is a growing concern of the negative impact of this trend on residents and the ecology of such lo
Nobody is a stranger to the fact that international tourism has attracted large benefits to lots of places. Some people argue that there is concern about its impact on local species as well as the environment. To my way
It is certainly true that tourism is the place wherein people will come from different parts of the world to see the beauty of the natural spots and sites. Therefore, a fair amount of experts believe that overcrowded gat
It is undeniable that the travel industry brings multitudinous merits to many nations whereas some people think that it also has some negative effects on the environmental and local populace. In my opinion, the pros of
Nowadays, the international tourist industry has brought a multitude of advantages to many places around the world. However, it is suggested that tourism is a modern form of colonialism as it has a destructive impact on
Nowadays, the internation tourism plays a vital role in every country. It is considered by some that it is enables a great number of advantages to different sectors while there are others who believe that it can be harmf
Connoisseurs throughout the earth have debated whether the benefits of worldwide travel outweigh its pitfalls or not. I believe that the drawbacks do not outweigh the boons since it is the source of revenue for a wide va
Enormous benefits have been brought by international tourism in many places. However, many people believe that there is an impact, both for the inhabitants and the environment, on the local area that has been visited by
International travel has brought enormous to any country. At the same ,time there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international touristry outweigh the advanta
Thanks to international travelling, it created a variety of benefits to our lives. Some people opined that international tourism has brought a significant impact on the environment. From my perspective, however, the meri
In modern days, it is widely believed that foreign tourism has led to the deterioration of domestic citizens and environmental problems, yet the benefits of travelling are huge enough to surpass the impacts. In my opini
While the international tourism is believed to bring greater revenue to any country’s economy,there is also considerable amount of negative impacts on locals and the natural serenity.Despite the fact that the tourists im
At present, tourism is one of the flourishing industries in the world. People travel across borders to enjoy the cultural and natural beauties of foreign lands. However, touristry is thriving in all the countries, some p
In the present era, tourism is on rising around the globe. People travel across borders to enjoy the culture and beauty of foreign lands. Humankind debates intensely on the advantages and disadvantages of cross border to
Connoisseurs throughout the earth have debated whether the benefits of worldwide travel outweigh its pitfalls or not. I believe that the drawbacks do not outweigh the boons since it is the source of revenues for a wide v
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