Some individuals believe that history is one of the important school subjects. However, others think that today, science such as math, physic and technology are more crucial to be taught. I am positive with the latter op
There is a controversial discussion about which subject should be the greatest importance in school. Some aspects support that History is one of the most essential for children, while other people are believing that Scie
Nowadays some people believe that learning about history is not necessary for school and students should learn about subjects like science and technology. Whereas, some people say that it is important to learn history. I
Some individuals believe that history is one of important school subjects. However, others think that today, science such as math, physic and technology are more crucial to be taught. I am positively with later opinion.
Some individuals believe that history is one of the important school subjects. However, others think that today, science such as math, physic and technology are more crucial to be taught. I am positive about the later op
All subjects are important in difference ways, though they are some which are relevant depending on the time in which the world is operating. History is relevant, because it gives a background of any subject of reseach t
The Precedence of Historical modules versus modern subjects in school life as part of learning which was always a hotly debatable topic has become more controversial while copious peoples claim that learning about ancien
The Precedence of Historical modules versus modern subjects in school life as part of learning which was always a hotly debatable topic has become more controversial while copious peoples claim that learning about histor
Technology development is flying in the current world. Numerous people claim that modern subjects are more significant than history. In my opinion, although contemporary subjects have a crucial role now, history has an e
It is considered by some people that History is the most essential subject in a school curriculum that children should learn.Other people view,Science and Technology are more critical than History.In my opinion,I believe
A people of inhabitants believe that history is one of the most important school subjects , while other people think that,in today's world , subjects like science and technology are more important than history.
People have different opinions about where will they live in the future. While many people find out that, old generations, especially those above 60 years old people tend to live in another part of the world.In my opini
It is true that the development of science and high-tech contribute to a quite different world. While I still understand that newborn technic leads to a more colourful life for people, I still believe that art is necessa
It is true that the development of science and high-tech contribute to a quite different world. While I still understand that new-born technic leads to a more colorful life for people, I still believe that art is necessa
The Number of people is of opinion that history can not give us anything new or better from the past in today,s life while others are of the thought that precious information and lessons can we learn from it.I think both
Nowadays, developments in science and technology have brought about a revolutionary transformation in every aspect of our daily life. Nonetheless, artists are still greatly valued. The essay will delve deep into what the
Among subjects in school, History may consider to be the most crucial subject while it is commonly believed that Science and Technology are more important regarding the modern world. In my opinion, Science and Technology
A Few people argue that nowadays history should be the main important subject in the school.others have the opinion that science and technology is most important subject to learn rather than other subjects. Before ar
It is real that we are living in the era of electronic information that we can not doubt that it is easier to be connected to with technology; however, the involvement of technology still left many people left to live no
In this modern era, schooling is compulsory for each individual. All the schools around the world, either college or university have these subjects: history, science and technology. History is considered one of the major