Nowadays, the arts, encompassing drawing and music have played a crucial role in human development. The number of proponents tentatively contemplates that they are unfortunately unable to meet the quality of human life.
Each government and authority gave funding to art society; however, some people including me are strongly of the opinion that this is a type of wasting money and it is not profitable action that all social class can use
It has seen, governments mostly spendings are on art, it can be observed in public areas where more artistic picture and posters are displayed. However, some part of the population does not considering it as a viable ste
Some argue that instead of arts field, the government should put more supports on science and technology development, arts do not improve residents' living. I disagree with this opinion.
In the contemporary world, many states have provided financial plans for art development for decades to nurture the new generation. Some people agree with the plan, while others suggest the budgets should be spent on hea
The problem of spending a lot of money on art and other people say spending money on health and education could be precious which was always debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that this
A few people think that the quality of people's life cannot be better directly with arts, therefore the government should spend financial resources on other fields like medicine, science and technology. I agree completly
There is a saying that art, such as painting and music, should not be included in the government budget because it does not improve the life of the population. This essay strongly agrees with this statement, and it is go
It is truly a good idea that many nations pay funding to support community services such as hospitals and transportation more than arts. I am sure that supporting public services and facilities is better than artwork ,
Delivery by plane has been a common method for getting crops to nations without enough vegetation. Although some individuals agree with the reserve, it was thought to be a positive trend. While I understand the reason be
Nowadays, the topic of government spending is controversial. Some people believe this funding should support art as it helps them relax, enjoy and be creative, while others and I agree that the money should be spent on h
Numerous individuals argue that fine arts like visual arts and music do not enhance folk's life so the government ought not to spend money on it. In my opinion, I strongly disagree with the given statement and I will ela
Some claim that since there are still social issues in their own society, the government shall not offer international aid to others and should focus on resolving domestic problems. In fact, the standpoint is hard to acc
Today, many people frequently switch their jobs or professions every few years. In my opinion, there are some disadvantages in this situation, but personally I believe there are more advantages and I will elaborate in th
There is an opinion that a nation's investment should be inclined towards physical fitness and military forces than creative activities to uplift the standard of living of the citizens. I strongly disagree with this and
It is the belief of some people that the health sector and defence should be made stronger by the government instead of focusing on the art. Through the passage below I will discuss both schools of thought and at the ,e
It has long been debated whether the government should devote its resources to the arts. Opponents regard arts as a complete waste of time and do not improve people’s life, whereas proponents argue that arts can not only
The 21st century has seen numerous technological advancements, the most significant being in health and defence. People argue that art funds should go to medical and the protection of the nation. In my opinion, arts im
In the modern world, public services and facilities have a huge impact on people's lives. According to government funds, some individuals believe that these ought to be spent on numerous facilities, namely transportation