IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, in the modern world, economic progress is an essential part of all governments. The majority of countries try to reach success in this field. Politics, experts and the public seem to have been discussing this
The economy plays a vital role in a country. While some believe that economic progress is the most important factor in a country, others argue that other developments are essential as well. This essay will explore both p
Troughout history, the importance of a wealthy nation has always been a prority for the leaders. Many officials believe that finantial form of the development is the most valuable type of promotion in a country. While so
There are different viewpoints held in the discussion of what is the most important goal for authorities in a country. Whilst some argue that economic development is the major one, other thinks that there are other aims
The governments argued that their most valuable aim is economic progress,but others think that other types of progress have the same importance for a nation.I strongly agree with the latter one due to the value of cultu
A great number of state believes in financial progress is their most important purpose while others believe there are different kinds of developments which equally important for a country. I strongly believe that financi
People have different views about many government's opinion about the importance of progress in just economic way. While some argue that economic development is more important than other progress in countries, I believe
Unquestionably, every coin has two sides and so are the people. Society’s people are divided into two groups and therefore, economic growth and importance of other kind of progress has become a topic of debate among peop
There is a growing concern relating to the target and purpose of the government’s progress. Some of the opinion think that the economic contribution is more important and should be highlighted within the institutions. Ho
Some argue that governments must have strong goals for an economy which can be the one important aspect of a country, while others argue that the way that can improve the economy is through education. This essay will exa
Nowadays, the economy has become a world-controlling factor, so more authorities expect a thriving economy as the most valuable component in the nation. However, others believe that not only that but also other parts of
Although many governments intend economic advancement as their most significant aim, other communities believe other aspects of development are essential for a country. In this essay, I discuss both these views and repr
There is an ongoing debate between people about whether economic progress is mainstream in a country or whether other sorts of progress are equally crucial for a country. Some administrations believe that economic progre
It is argued that many governments believe that economic advance is the most necessary end for the nation. While the other group think other types of progress are of equal importance for a country. In this essay, I will
Some official authorities assert that economic growth should be prioritized as a critical goal for a nation, while others believe that progress in various areas is of equal importance. However, I would argue that the eco
No one can deny that economic progress contributes a lot to a country, helping citizens increase income and also promoting developing countries. I always hold the notion that a good government is a government visionary b
increase income and also promoting developing countries. I always hold the notion that a good government is a government visionary because the development of a city not only depends on economics but also has other elemen
their countries’ progress. While economic progress is of course essential, I agree with those who believe that other measures of progress are just as important. There are three key reasons why economic growth is seen as
The majority of government enunciate the idea of making progress in economic growth are extremely beneficial, while a number of people are supportive of other types of progress. I believed that both idea are essential an
While some governments opine that economic developments should be their priority, some people think it is not the only aspect that should be taken into consideration. In my opinion, only giving more attention to financia
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