IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Unhealthy food can have a negative effect on human health. A lot of processed food and privilege contains massive amounts of sugar, and it causes diseases. Increasing the prices of sugar can help keep people away from bu
Excessive sugar consumption in processed foods and beverages has been associated with numerous health issues, including obesity and diabetes. Making sugary products more expensive could help reduce their consumption. In
Due to the rapid growth of technology, the world has come a long way therefore the lifestyle of people has changed a lot in the past few years. In the midst of change , it can be seen that Human's food habits changed a l
Many processed meals and beverages have a high amount of sugar, which may result in a number of health issues. In my opinion, I agree that high-sugar products should be sold at higher prices to lessen people’s sugar inta
It is widely argued that a large part of sugar consumption that is detrimental to public well-being comes from many processed food products, for which reason their sales should be limited by making the prices rise. To my
There are numerous processed foods which are high in sugar and increase the risk of health problems for people. A group of individuals presented the view that it is better to raise the price of products with high sugar l
It is often argued that higher calorie food is harmful to the human body. So, the price of such items should be beyond the limit of common people purchase. I completely agree with this opinion and this essay will describ
Many individuals say that consuming sugary products can negatively affect human health. Therefore, governments should increase costs to restrict this consumption in the public. Although I understand why some advocate the
Many individuals say consuming sugary foods and drinks raises the risk of health problems. Therefore, the price of these products should be increased to prevent consumers from eating them. Although I understand why some
In today’s food industry, it is commonly found that a vast number of food and drink products contain high levels of sugar which lead to numerous young generations suffering from diabetes and obesity. There is a proposal
Many manufacturers food and drink products contain high levels of sugar which cause health problems. This essay disagree with the with the statement above. In my opinion, If the product goes higher that does not mean peo
It is undeniable that the consumption of sugary food has surged in recent times, leading to various health issues. While some advocate for increasing the price of sugary products to discourage their consumption, I believ
People nowadays started using more manufactured goods than organic food. Research says that most health problems are caused by high levels of sugar contained in processed food and drink items. I disagree the statement th
It is argued that, the excessive levels of sugar in beverages and foodstuffs, may lead to various health problems. Therefore, the costs of sweet products should be increased to discourage people from consumption. This
In today’s climate, consuming sugary drinks and foods has gained popularity among people. It is a widely held view that increasing the price of sugary and unhealthy foods is the best solution to decrease their sales, a t
In contemprary society, sugar addition has consistently aroused widespread interest and vigorous debate among the general populace. one prevailing view is that some sugary goods should be sold in high price to discourage
The food component fructose is becoming a concerning point for the people. Due to the fact that many researches showed its detrimental affects towards our health. On the contrary, various food and beverage manufacturers
There is no denying the fact that food and drink products contain high levels of sugar can be a debatable subject. While it is a commonly held belief that some individuals think that the cause of many health problems is
A great number of meal and beverage products include a great level of sugar and it leads to plenty of medical issues. Despite this fact, I am inclined to believe that an increase in sugar's cost would conflict with huma
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