IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The trend of exchanging personal data for access to software has become increasingly prevalent. While some argue that the benefits of this practice outweigh the drawbacks, I believe that the disadvantages surpass the adv
Yes, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of providing technology companies with personal data in exchange for access to services online software because people benefit from various services available online, whil
Yes, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages in providing technology companies with personal data in exchange for access to services of online software because people benefit from various services available online and
These days many individuals are choosing to give tech companies their personal information to gain access to software. Although using this software makes people’s lives easier, I believe that the benefits do not outweigh
These days, a lot of people are more willing to share their personal data with IT companies for using their technologies. I personally think, that even though sharing personal data will increase the risk of data leakage,
These days, many individuals use their personal information as an exchange to log in to online platforms developed by software companies. I am of the opinion that despite the risk of identity theft, the benefits of creat
More and more people are giving their personal details to those companies in order to use the services. However, some may opine that this is risky. Others state that this is beneficial for us. I think this is a controver
Nowadays several people provide personal information to technology websites and applications to obtain access. Some people believe that this trend has several disadvantages, others argue that it is not harmful. I totally
These days many individuals are choosing to give tech companies their personal information to gain access to software. Although using this software makes people’s life easier, I believe that the benefits do not outweigh
It is often argued that people are sharing their personal information online in order to gain access to programs that are developed by technological companies. In my opinion, I believe that it has many demerits because o
n resent times, technological industries now have the datas of a large community of people. This is attributed to the exchange for access to software provided by these companies. The paragraphs below explans some of the
To access the software of technology companies, many individuals are choosing the option of sharing their personal information. This essay argues despite the main advantage of this trend is that they get free access of a
Nowadays, technology is provided at home, especially software. However, for software you need to agree with their condition, that is give permission to access your personal data. In this ,essay I will present about con
It is true that nowadays some people are choosing to exchange with the usage of software companies by their private information. In this essay, I will explain why I feel the advantages of this do not outweigh the disadva
The vast majority of people allow technology companies to collect personal info to enhance their experience for using software which develops ability by customer data. While there are some advantages of sharing data, I p
Certainly, nowadays many people tend to provide high-tech companies with their personal information to exchange access to software. In this essay, I will explain why I think the negative effects outweigh the positive one
Sharing personal data with software companies in exchange for using free access to their software is worry a trend. In my ,opinion Personal data should not be used for commercial purposes. However, many software companie
Many individuals choose to give their private information to software companies to use their software. Although it enhances the experience of using the application and website, I believe that the disadvantages far outwei
A lot of individuals are now willing to give out their personal information to technology companies to have access to their applications. This essay argues that it has more drawbacks than benefits because people no longe
It is very common these days that most people to share their private information with technology corporations in return to get access to the software. I think that there are more benefits to this tendency than its demeri
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