IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, most individuals claim that high school grades should be promoted to say their suggestions and criticisms in order to boost the quality of education in the country. Whereas, others believe that this case will r
It is undeniable that most individuals claim that high school grades should be promoted to say their suggestions and criticisms in order to boost the quality of education in the country. Whereas, others believe that this
There is a controversial debate whether highschool learners should be allowed to remake feedback or even evaluate their lecturers. While some people consider it a tactic to enhance educational quality, the others go for
People have different views about whether allowing students to evaluate or criticize their teachers. While some argue that this two-way communication in the class could result in disrespect and indiscipline, I believe th
It should be noted that there are advantages and disadvantages when in a high school students should encouraged to questions and offer criticism on their teachers .As a matter of fact that , this argument regarded as a s
A group of individuals present the view that students should be allowed to ask question or criticize their educators for enhancing the education system, whereas others believe that such manners would undermine teachers’
Across the globe, a lot of individuals support the idea of allowing high school students to criticize their teachers and also challenge them by asking questions during the classes in order to develop in academic areas, w
Although many agree that teenagers must assess their professors to make the education system better, others argue that it would only generate disorder and lack of respect. The purpose of this essay is to analyze both sid
People tend to have different views about whether students should be taught to examine and judge their high school teachers. While students' critiques on teachers can sometimes be useful for educational quality, I believ
People have different views about whether students should be taught to examine and judge their high school teachers. While students’ evaluations and critiques on teachers can sometimes be useful in the educational qualit
An improving the quality of education is the top priority of every nation. some think that students have the right to evaluate their's staff members while others say that this can lead to affecting negatively. However,
In recent decades, education play a crucial role in national development. Therefore, a school of thought holds that students should criticize or make a complaint to their teachers or tutors while some claim that it will
It is considered by many individuals that in order to enhance academic level, senior scholars are inspired to give negative feedback to their faculty members. while there are others who think that this can degrade the re
Feedback on education system is the integral part for school peers and future generations in their career perspective.However , there are predominantly two contrasting views where a section of society vehemently views th
Education is the passport to the future and the way of education is changing every day. However, there are predominantly two contrasting views where a section of society thinks that in order to upgrade educational qualit
Educational mentors are the pillars of a nation who have had made a considerable contribution to elevate the social and economic standard of a country. Some people believe that tutors' performance should be evaluated by
They say that Learning never stops. We learn till our last breath and it is actually responsible to improve our character, It defines what kind of human being we would be. And now we can see there’s lot of improvement
People have different views about whether students should be allowed to evaluate their teachers. While students’ criticisms may sometimes lead to undesirable consequences, I believe that this practice will improve classr
With agreeable to the order of the day, it is inevitable to find ways to improve education quality. Consequently, whereas some individuals claim that adolescents of secondary schools should evaluate their instructors so
Nowadays, many steps are taken by academic institutions to improve the quality of education. Some people think schools should give a right to students to give feedback regarding their teachers. On the contrary, others b
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