IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Education indeed plays a crucial role in society. A large number of people believe that high school peers should be motivated to criticise their mentors in order to enhance the quality of education while others say that
Whether students should be allowed to criticize and give recommendations to their teachers has been a hotly debated topic. While some people argue that this means a loss of respect and order in a classroom, I support the
Nowadays, there is an ongoing debate regarding many schools are enhancing the education's environments by allowing students to comment or criticize their lecturers. Otherwise, the opponents argue that it will reduce the
There are some opinions that are divergent on whether high school pupils should be allowed to evaluate and criticize their teachers or whether this could be perceived as being disrespectful. From my perspective, I favour
Whether allowing students who study in high school education to make comments even critical one to their teachers should be adopted or not is emerged as a controversal topic of interest . The writer of this essay belives
In recent days, improving the quality of education can culminate in a loss of reliabilty and direction in the class. However, some others believw otherwise, which l completely agree with. This essay will discuss both the
It is obvious that education plays an indispensable role in shaping future of each individual and the society. Whether students should have the right to make evaluation and criticism towards their teachers has become an
In this modern world, the importance of higher level of education grows. Many people debate to justify empowering students to challenge their teachers is harmless, while others may feel uncomfortable doing so. Analysing
Education is a top national policy. Therefore, education plays role great important day by day. Develop educational quality that more attention than in previous days. There are many methods to enhance educational quality
It is questioned by a number of people that pupils should be supported to comment about their teachers. While it is thought by others that this will cause them to pay fewer respects to the class. Therefore, I would like
There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate over the personal idea contribution of people having a learning journey at high schools. While some claim that it is recommendable that potential students should s
Students around the world are mostly required to show some respect toward their teachers. This cause some people prefer some equality between that relationship but there are also some people who reject that idea. This
High school education always plays a significant role in people's life. There has arisen a heated debate about whether students should be encouraged to give evaluation and criticism of their teachers for better education
High school education always plays a significant role in people's life. There has arisen a heated debate about whether students should be give evaluation and criticism about their teachers for better education quality.
It is obvious that education is directly connected to countries'development so in order to improve a country the educational system must be improved. But it has always been debatable topic how governments should arrange
There have been numerous debatable arguments about whether high school learners should be spurred to make comments or even criticize their educators with the aim of improving educational quality or not. While there are s
It is argued by some citizens that the opinions of undergraduates on their lecturers should be supported in order to enhance study qualities while some populace believed that it will result in a lack of admiration and in
In the contemporary world, an increasing number of people are focusing on the efficiency of imparting knowledge in educational institutions. There are some people who strongly believe that students’ comments and criticis
It is true that the question of whether students in high school should criticize or make a complaint as a way of promoting the quantity of education remains a source of controversy in education. From my perspective, I ag
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