IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Materialism and consumerism have inevitably led us to the high production of materials and goods. Some people believe that high production should be every country's goal. I partially agree with this thinking because thi
These days, both developed countries and developing countries are struggling with several economical problems and they try to adopt good solution for their problems and increase their productivity. Moreover, countries se
It is widely agreed that nations should aim to manufacture a greater amount of materials and goods. From my perspective, although I believe a growth in the production is a prudent target, there should be a limit on the s
It is thought by a majority of people that, to enhance the manufacturing of various things should be the major goal of countries. Since it results in both blessings and curse to human kind; this essay aims to find the co
In this era of constant demand and insufficient supply, most people think that every nation should have the goal to generate more goods and materials. However, there are certain disagreements that exist against this tho
The way that the modern economy works make every country aim to produce more materials and goods. Indeed, increasing production should be the target of every country. This essay will present arguments to support this ide
It is widely argued that every nation should aim to produce materials and goods on a massive scale. To a larger extent, I disagree with this statement as this aim may a negative impact on the environment.
A decade ago, developed countries around the world were innovative on technologies and developing nations were following them, such as Asian economy. But, now South East countries are more aggressive and want to be self
These days, production of materials and goods can reach unbelievable heights, in almost every country. With so many people on the surface of our planet, there is a constant need for food and clothing supplies. I totally
In this burgeoning era, countries around the world are producing goods in mass quantities; however, it is often wondered by many people that increasing production is the ultimate objective of any country. Let us delve de
Nowadays, people are becoming materialistic than before. This emerging materialism has raised a thought among many people that countries should focus mainly on producing more goods. Let us delve deeper into this discussi
It is believed by a lot of people that the main aim of every country is to be able to produce more materials and goods. This is either for consumption or exportation. I wholly agree with this chain of thought a
Nowadays, people mainly focus on collecting more and more material things. Most countries, also increase their productions and make more resources., persuade us that we need more than we really do.
From the western countries' point of view, owning things is something really important. In fact, it can describe your social status and fulfil your life with every possession available. Thus, it's not a surprise that the
Countries should allocate more of their funding into manufacturing materials and goods. I partially agree with this statement. It is true that, due to population growth it is necessary to increase production of these ite
Globalisation has put an invisible pressure on every country to be in the race of increase in productivity for improving the economic growth of the nation. Even though it is good to constantly strive to be a self produce
Nowadays people believe that the goal of every state should be the suction of an increasing production. I personally agree that creation of goods should be made by each country for their people and economies, but increas
In these days, there has appeared a hotly debated topic of whether producing more materials and goods is the primary target of every country in the world. Some people believe that maintaining a gradual increase of produc
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