IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, there has been an accelerating trend of high school graduates (diplomas) taking a break from studying to work or to travel before pursuing tertiary education. While this is beneficial to some extent, I am firm
In the present day, a lot of youths consider to take a gap year after high school and university since there are many clearly benefits to themselves. I believe that the advantages of such opinion outweight the drawbacks
Nowadays many pupils tend to lay out a gap year rest or work after graduation and before entering university. The pros and cons are enormous. Earning money and practical working experiences to select jobs are merits, whe
Taking a gap year in some countries is commonly recommended to young people who have just finished high school. There are a number of benefits and drawbacks of spending a year travelling or working for youngsters.
It is said that a large number of students decide to start their higher education a year after finishing school in order to go on a trip or acquire some work skills. In my perspective, it could be a good strategy; and c
the bart charts compare the percentages of people belonging to three different age groups in Yemen and Italy between 2000 and 2050.
After finishing high school, some students prefer a one-year gap before continuing further education. During this break, they can try jobs, learn skills or travel to explore and learn more. As this belief that travel bro
It is true that gap year becomes increasingly popular with students in many societies. Many people claim that having a gap year to travel or work before going to university has its own benefits; however, others think tha
Choosing the right career path is detrimental to following and achieving our life goals. While some pupils much rather take a gap year between high school and university to travel or work, others would prefer to continue
Some people are of the opinion that taking a gap year before starting a university is a good decision. In my point of view, it is a good idea because it could bring many benefits and might help to avoid many problems in
Traditionally, high school seniors will either pursue college or enter the workforce after graduation, However, these days, a third option - gap year, where students defer university enrollment to travel or work - is gai
It is undeniable that many students need to explore new things outside school.A Gap year before continuing to college benefits them with a great experience.Some people believe that taking a gap year make more drawbacks
It's believed by many high school graduates that a gap year is necessary to go abroad, start a business or even explore which goals and dreams they would like to achieve in their lives. This important decision should be
A new trend has emerged among students where before undergoing further education, they take a break to pursue their otherwise latent interests or explore different destinations around the world. This trend has great util
Nowadays, more and more students pursuing a master's degree for career growth. However, they tend to prefer to take a gap before joining University. There are many reasons for this like getting industry experience or as
A part of many students opt to pause for a year before starting university, it is either for travel purposes or gaining experience that is work-related. This essay will discuss the benefits of the idea of taking a gap ye
In recent years, it is fact that a large number of undergraduates start following this trend to obtain knowledge of various trade sectors. Which is, according to me, really fruitful to choose their initial career stage.
It is believed that having a gap year before attend to colleges would be better than direct attending to there without it. There are both merits and demerits and I think the benefits would greater than the drawbacks.
After completing school study, more number of students prefer to migrate or join a job, therefore they take a gap year before continuing further education. I completely agree that learners should travel or work before j
Some individuals are of the opinion that pupils should take a gap year between high school and university, to explore and improve oneself. There are many good sides to this idea but I believe that this opinion also has a
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