IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the modern world, a myriad overpopulation is a majority problem. Thus, employees would lack time to exercise and forget their health due to fulfilling their job requirements. This essay will discuss these issues and p
Nowadays in the modern world, myriad populations become workers who have got enough salary for paid any necessary things for living in the world, normally, they do not have enough free time for doing any exercises or som
Nowadays, the vast majority of people do not have adequate physical activities due to their hectic lifestyles and even their laziness. These reasons are argued by them for not doing exercise while I believe that if we w
At present, so many people are having health issues, mainly due to having either no or little exercise for themselves. Time constraints, and lack of interest are some of the major causes of this dangerous problem and to
Firstly, I agree that people get health problems due to non-exercise daily as it becomes difficult for working people to balance work and personal life. This essay will discuss the main reasons for this problem and sugge
It is undeniable that many workers are facing health problems tremendously because they are getting little or no exercise during both the weekdays and weekends when they are free. In this essay, I will explain the reason
Firstly, I agree that people get health problems due to non-exercise daily as it becomes difficult for working people to balance work and personal life. This essay will discuss the main reasons for this problem and also
Currently many young people are not doing the exercise whether it is working or non-working day as a result they are facing health issue. In this essay I would like to explain causes of the issues and proposed some solut
Most officers have been recently seen overworking even in the weekend or holiday. As a result, this affects their health and become worse because they don’t have time to do exercise. This essay will examine possible reas
Most officers have been recently seen overworking even at weekends or holidays. As a result, this affects their energy and becomes worse because they don’t have hours to do training. This essay will examine possible reas
The opening statement explains that those who have a job do not move much in their daily life and during break time. Hence, they have difficulty in physical activities. There are several reasons for slacking off for Offi
In this contemporary era, an increasing number of individuals are facing health-related problems because of busy work schedules. There are numerous reasons for this problem, but fortunately, there are some solutions avai
Health issues are becoming more and more serious in today’s society. The cancer rates are climbing rapidly every year and many other diseases are getting into people’s life. However, under this circumstance, many people
In our modern society, it is quite easy to find people spending their leisure time in their house. Nowadays, a lot of workers do exercise only few hours or do not any sports when they have free time, which leads to incre
People with busy work schedules find it hard to incorporate regular physical activity into their daily routines. Consequently, many eventually face serious health issues. This essay will discuss the possible reasons why
A portion of people in a working-class group gets less or no exercise during their working days or their leisure time.Due to this, they have been affected by health-related problems such as obesity. This essay shall exte
Every individual who are employed are unable to exercise neither during weekdays nor their spare time, consequently they face health issues. Compared to old days twenty first century has become a advance and busy lifesty
The provided two pictures compare the layout design of the university sports centre as it is in the present with a proposed site design for the future..
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