IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It has been noticed that health-related issues are prominent in the working class due to avoidance of exercise while they are working or during leisure. Such an unhealthy lifestyle is led due to the amount of workload an
Recent advancements in technology have made people tech-savvy. However, with growing technology there comes an increased sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, health problems are steadily becoming concerned for the majority of
Due to lack of good and healthy living, a lot of working-class people have several health problems. Some of the causes of poor living habit such as having to work long hours and the impact of using electronic devices wil
In this present world, health issues due to the lack of exercise are on the rise. Especially working people who have difficulties keeping fit which is caused by their sedentary lifestyle. And this is due to the busy life
In this cut-throat world, to maintain their position in their chore, many employees are not able to sustain their work life balance. Copious number of job-holders are loosing their health,as they are not able to set out
There are lots of people who are working constantly without any rest, even in their leisure time. Consequently, they end up having numerous health issues. This essay will discuss the reasons, as well as the solutions.
It is true that health problems are caused by the lack of physical exercise during working and recreation time. This issue can be related to internet addiction and the ongoing pandemic. While the roots of these problems
A number of individuals are not able to get enough time for the workout from their daily personal and professional lives which resulting various health issues in them. I believe, there are mainly two reasons behind it, t
Unfortunately, quite a few adults do not work out enough, or in the worst-case scenario they do not do any sports at all in their spare hours before or after work. Therefore, it is not surprising that people get feeling
In this modern era, most people life has been changed due to their working culture and lifestyle. Furthermore, due to the pandemic, some people are now working from home which brings a lot of change in their life. Howeve
Some health diseases are considered to result from a lack of exercise that employees do not do in their free time or during the working day. In my view, workers are burdened with usual routine tasks which do not allow pe
Today’s people usually put their time in the work more than other parts of their life so, they do not have enough time for exercising. Without doubt, this treatment is caused to health problems for them. This easy will
It is asserted by some people that in today’s fast-paced world employees do not have enough physical activities in their daily lives. Therefore, they may be faced with some serious health problems such as obesity, heart
Over a decade, the number of workers suffering from different health issues has constantly increased since they do not do exercise or other beneficial activities. From my perspective, there are immense factors why people
It is true that there are many workers who are practising any kind of sports even in their leisure time so they will have more chances to get some illnesses problems . I think that there are several reasons that why pe
The importance of workout and the health benefits it yields has been a major topic of discussion these days. However many working professionals are unable to abide by this routine because their sedentary lifestyle makes
Health problems in many individuals are due to lack of exercise either during the working day or in their free time. The solutions will be discussed in the essay.
According to studies, lots of city dwellers nowadays are prone to physical inactivity, that causes health issues. The most evident causes and possible solutions are the subject of this essay.
In the age and now, due to the increasing demands of working schedule people are not able to have time for doing exercise even during in a duty and free time. In this essay I will discuss the possible reasons as well as
Nowadays, working becomes a time-consuming activity for employees, giving them a minimum spare time to exercise. If this behaviour becomes more frequent, it might risk their well-being. In this essay, I will discuss the
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