IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Whether or not, spending money on living conditions or space is a controversial discussion point. It is the opinion of this writer that it is better to improve the calibre of life with millions of dollars rather than de
A controversial discussion point is whether money should be invested in space research or making life better on Earth. I contend that using the cash for improvements of living conditions will be more preferable to save m
An enormous amount of dollars has been spent on exploring space yearly. Therefore, many people think that this money should be used to improve the living standard on our planet. I write this essay to strongly agree with
There is a controversial point about whether money should be invested in space or life on Earth. I contend that the government should spend budgets doing some studies, which relate to space, despite those who believe tha
It is argued that huge sums of dollars are spent on space exploration every year, while many people think that the money should be invested in improving global living standards. This essay agrees with the second opinion
The amount of money that was given to galaxy economies is a controversial problem these days since there is a lot of ideas that have shown that they are unnecessary and proved that activities and creatures on our planet
It is argued that the money should be used for developing living standards for global citizens instead of spending on space research annually. From my point of view, I totally agree with this opinion and this essay will
Spending a lot of capital on researching how to go out of the earth has sparked debates among community. Some argue that putting property into this research is wasteful, whereas others think otherwise. I lean toward the
It is controversial that money should be used on improving citizens lives rather than on exploring space. This writer agrees with this statement as it helps nations to enhance living standards and encourage society to de
There is a controversial argument that money has a better paid for innovating the standards of living around the world, while , a large amount of income is being used in exploring space each year. This essay wi
It is controversial that money should be used on improving citizens’ s lives rather than on exploring space. This writer agrees with this statement as it helps nations to enhance living standards and encourage society to
In recent years many things have more and more serious developments. It means that It had many researches and much money spent on it. Some people said that the money should be used for that, however, some believed that m
There is an argument that the space experiment should be supported by funds each year, whereas some thoughts contend that spending on living needs is more essential. While this perception is irrefutable, I would believe
It is true that millions of dollars are invested in space research anually. While the majority of people believe that the money should be taken to improve living standards on Earth. This writer disagrees with this statem
Large scale budgets are used on researching space anually. I contend that this money should be invested in improving citizens' life of all over the world due to world hunger and energy crisis, despite those who belived t
Whether putting a large amount of money into analysing space or using finance to fund standards of living around the globe is a controversial topic. The writer of this essay agrees that using money to boost living condit
Nowadays, a huge amount of money is spent on space research every year in the modern countries. The common argue is that the money should be spent on developing the standards of living on earth. This writer strongly agre
Space is a various topic for scientists and investors for spent a big amount of explore to reach the stars. Also some individuals think that millions of dollars should use for improving living standards on Earth before e
For the last decade, space investment has received a crescedo of both criticism and support. the writer contends that money should be allocated to human daily issues due to famine in some areas and the need to generate a
In the state-of-the-art society , whether a plethora of money should be allocated in researching the universe or other fields that enhance people’s living standards is a highly debatable question . From my point of view
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