IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is a hotly debated topic that often divides opinion about the essential role of phones and the internet in people`s life connect with other individuals socially.It goes without saying that socializing way between pers
In our modern life, the number of people has dramatically increased day by day around the world practically in the largest areas. And this situation can be caused a lot of problems. Firstly, if individuals are increasin
In today's societies, it is undebatable that the majority of people are used to making connections with others only through their gadgets and the internet. I wholeheartedly believe that this situation above brings more a
There is no doubt that phones and the internet are considered the most basic communication methods and it is impossible to imagine our world without them. Almost everyone has phones and got access to the internet. howev
In recent years, more and more people in many countries are choosing to have children at a later age. There are several reasons for this trend. One of the main reasons is that people are focusing on their careers and edu
In the last ten years the majority of people have started to meet their needs through websites.From my point of view,online purchasing is more and more convenient and beneficial for individuals.
Using smartphones to keep in touch with people is a vital approach socially in recent years. While this trend has some benefits, there are more drawbacks which are worth considering. In this essay, I will explain the pro
In this day and age, there is no denying that cellphones and the internet has become a main source and approach for people to communicate with others. I believe that the merits outweigh its demerits and the reasons will
In this modern era, people often used mobile phones and the internet for many purposes such as education , business and communications. In this essay, I would explain the benefits and drawbacks of this technology in the
For many countries, tourism is an essential way to gain profit. However, this source of money also creates many disturbances if not handled well. In this essay, I will describe some of the merits and demerits of tourism,
In different parts around the globe, the couples take a kid at their old age. This is because they want to earn a lot of money before having a child and in this way, they want to secure the life of their child. This essa
In this day and age, modern artificial devices and the internet are the most essential to various ways in which citizens communicate with one another socially. While there are some demerits of artificial intelligence, I
Nowadays, there is no doubt how the advancement in modern technology improves the lives of people, especially when it comes to the social aspect. In this essay, the advantages and disadvantages of using the ineternet an
Smartphone becomes a trend and high-needed device today. Every people addict to the stuff all day. Many needs related to the device for working, studying and also for keeping in contact with their friends and families. T
In modern times, cutting-edge technology has become a pivotal part of people's life. People can remain connected through cell phones and the internet. Many folks think it is a good way for engaging with each other where
In recent years, mobile phones and the internet have become essential to how people interact with each other socially. I think the benefits of these developments far outweigh the drawbacks because ,despite the fact that
People in many countries now prefer to become parents at an older age which is an entirely different trend when compared to the past. A number of reasons are accountable for adopting parenthood at a later age. Such a d
Due to the hectic lifestyles,it has been observed that in several nations,individuals plan to have babies not immediately after the marriage but instead they prefer it after a gap of certain years.This trend has been fol
There is no doubt that these days social communication methods changed with having cell phones and the internet. The question is, is the benefits of mobile phones and the internet regarding people socially outweigh the d
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