IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Most countries allow people at least 18 years old to start driving a car, however, some people say that it is good for them to learn at this age while others say should be at least 25. Therefore, in this passage, I will
A number of countries set the legal driving at 18, and by the law, a fair portion of the crowds opine that it is proper, in parallel, others believe the age of driving should be at least 25. From my aspect, I understand
In recent years many countries policy allows people who reach 18 year old to driving a vehicle such as car. In contrast, some believe that the best age to begin driving car at least 25. I strongly believe that both of th
Maximum countries provide driving licence at 18 years old. Though some people opine that this is the best age of getting a driving licence, others suggest for 25 years old. I support the former one.
These days, teenagers are allowed to get driving license at the age of eighteen in most territories. Some support this rule while others consider that this certificate should be given to youths at the Middle-aged twentie
Many countries have put an age barrier as to when youngsters can legally drive. In most countries, this age is 18 years, which many people believe is early . They hold the opinion that the appropriate age is 25 years.
Thanks to cars people can be at the wished place in a few minutes. And to have your own car you must have a driver’s license. But getting it is more difficult than driving any transport. Every country has difficult laws
Presently, driving licences can be obtained or applied for by 18 years old teenagers in most countries worldwide, however, a sizable group believes that this age should be raised to at least 25 by governments. In this es
Driving is a skill which is crucial and famous around the world because it is an essential part of our life. Numerous nations provide the right to youth to drive car at an age of 18. Many pupils claim that it is benefic
In most countries, eighteen-year-old children are allowed to start driving a car. In my opinion, for some reasons, it is better to people begin driving at least on their 25th. Namely, it should let them get wiser, and
Most countries permit youngsters to drive a car while some argue that the right old age to allow driving is 25. According to me, certain steps can be taken in order to conclude. However, this essay will discuss both side
Undeniably, education is a popular topic that is debated by many, but that can not be circumvented by anyone,hence the opinion on this matter will determine one's attitude. Before rendering my point of view, let us take
The age of 18 is considered as an age of getting into adulthood by most of the nations world wide, and so that at this age, they could apply for a driving license after learning to drive. One group of people oppose this,
There are those who have the belief that individuals over 17 should be able to drive while others agree that it is better to start driving after 24 years old. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both
It has been argued in some countries that formal education should be given to kids from the age of 4 years while in other parts of the world it is recommended that children ought to start their school at the age of 7 or
indubitably, the ingress of adulthood in life is inevitable. According to some people, the minimum age of driving a car should be 18 years whereas others opine that young people should not start driving until 25. This pi
At the age of 18 years, most of the countries around the world allow to drive and some people think, license to drive a car or bike should be at least 25 years and others say, 18 is the right age to use a vehicle. I sure
In several countries, the legal age to obtain a driving license is 18 years. While some believe this is an apt age to start driving, others ascertain that the age limit should be increased to 25 years. I personally belie
One of the most discussed issues nowadays is the legal age for driving a car. Some people are of the opinion that this age restriction should be raised to 25 years to be on the safe side while others believe that people
One of the most discussed issues nowadays is the legal age for driving a car. Some people are of the opinion that this age limit should be raised to 25 years to be on the safer side while others believe that people shoul
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