IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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t is undeniable that due to the development of society, cultural festivals are becoming forgettable. Additionally, most of people just enjoy themselves during celebration periods. Although I also want to have fun during
Some folks argue that nowadays the original meaning of feast, either traditional or religious festivals, is left behind and that most of us see it as a means of seeking pleasure. While I completely agree that having qual
Many individuals do not attend traditional or religion-based ceremonies and only travel for their enjoyment. It is believed such practices are fading over time. I strongly disagree with this subject because religious vis
There is an argument that today people don’t remember the original meaning of traditional and religious festivals. Most of people celebrate them just for fun. I can’t agree with this point of view.
Individuals generally commemorate the festivals for entertainment purposes, but they do not have any knowledge regarding their traditional as well as religious significance. I totally agree with this testimonial because
In today's fast-paced and modern world, there is a growing concern that the true meaning behind traditional or religious festivals is being overlooked. It is often argued that during festival periods, people nowadays are
In this day and age, many claim that by festival periods most of people want to just enjoy of them while they have forgotten the meanings behind this historical and religious festivals. I opine that, although people are
An increasing number of individuals today do not know the main purpose of the celebrations of traditional or religious festivals and treat them as an opportunity to have fun. Although some people opine that the modern ge
During the last few years, people have been highly passionate about celebrating with the aim of increasing their mood; whether by personal parties or participating in cultural ceremonies. However, some argue these festiv
There is a controversial issue regarding the neglect of the main purpose of traditional or religious festivals in recent times, with the focus shifting more towards mere enjoyment. While, I agree that the emphasis on hap
It is true that the main reason for habitual festivals is forgotten and that people attend these ceremonies for more recreational purposes. While I agree that it has become more common to have fun during festivals, I bel
It is true that the main reason of habitual festivals are forgotten and that people attend these cermonies for a more recreational purposes. While I agree that it becomes more common to have fun during festivals, I belie
Today the whole spectrum of individuals just want to relish themselves rather than pay attention to the religion and tradition aspects which is associated with festivals. I take issue with this view, while, excessive gr
Today the whole spectrum of individuals just want to relish themselves rather than pay attention to the religious and traditional aspects which is associated with festivals. I take issue with this view, while, excessive
Nowadays the majority of people lack knowledge about traditional and religious festivals. Currently, at the festival time, people want just enjoy themselves. In my opinion, although I agree that people these days cele
There is a view that most of us cannot remember the religious or traditional implications of festivals, since they only pay all attention to celebrating them for fun. From my perspective, I am not in favour of this opini
Some people argue that humans no longer remember the original meaning of pastimes and they just want to have fun in these periods. While I believe that enjoyment is considered as a priority in festivals time. I do not a
Some people argue that humans no longer remember the original meaning of festivals and that most citizens treat them as opportunities to have fun. While I agree that enjoyment seems to be the priority during festival t
In recent days festivals have become an enjoyment party and people's mindset has been changed to enjoy the moments instead of traditionally adopting some rules.In my opinion, I completely agree with the scenario where c
There is no doubt that the majority of the people already forgot the original values of the religious festivals and prefer to enjoy them in their own ways instead of celebrating them traditionally. I would argue that the
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