IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days people are encouraged to purchase more and more products in some countries, which is beneficial for the economy, whereas others hold that this trend is detrimental for the society. On the one hand, buying more
It is true that the consumption of imported food items has increased over the period. To this, There are some factors which help to account for this trend, but measures can be implemented to encourage more people to cons
People have different views about the effect of increasing sales of consumer goods on society. In my opinion, this trend benefits the economy and society to some extent, but its negative effects should also be noticed.
Recently imported food is becoming the dominant product in the market and is gradually replacing local ones in people's food baskets. A great number of reasons are being suggested by experts which are enticing people to
At present days, the public in some nations is motivated to purchase goods, which has aroused a discussion among different groups of people. While encouraging to buy stuff can benefit a nation economically, I believe it
It is true that the consumption of imported food has increased in recent years. There are some factors that help to account for this trend , but measures can be implemented to encourage more people to eat food that is gr
There is a controversial perception of heating up a debate over the fact that paying for food from other nations rather than local food is trending in many countries. This essay is dedicated to analyzing the underlying r
Consumption is one of the best ways to improve the Gross Domestic Product of the country. As, it would be generating a huge amount of revenue and inturn government would have sufficient resources to provide the essential
There is a tremendously argumentative perspective heating up a debate over food consumption. This essay is dedicated to analyzing the reasons behind why people in many countries would rather purchase imported food over d
There are tremendously controversial perspectives heating up a debate over the tendency of buying food. While some hold a strong view on the reasons, the opposite makes a statement that the actions to raise the number of
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate on whether the increasing number of people choose to purchase imported cuisine instead of local food. This essay is devoted to the underlying reasons, followed by som
There is a tremendously controversial perspective heating up a debate whether people have an inclination to consume less domestic food than they used to. I believe that there are two main problems associated with why imp
There is a tremendously controversial notion heating up a debate over the purchase of imported food and domestic food. This essay is devoted to analyzing the reasons why an increasing number of people have a tendency to
There are controversial perspectives heating a debate over the phenomenon that people prefer buying imported food rather than national food. This essay is devoted to analyzing the reasons people are keener on imported fo
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate whether to purchase food from abroad or support food that is manufactured by indigenous. This essay is dedicated to analyzing the underlying roots with equivalent sol
There are controversial notions heating up a debate over people’s food buying tendency. Currently, one fact that there are more people deciding to buy foreign food than the number choosing native food, “ the big picture
It is true that recently increasingly more dwellers have purchased food overseas rather than local products. This essay is devoted to analyzing the underlying culprit, followed by a practical resolution for this phenomen
There is a tremendously controversial perspective heating up a debate over. This essay is dedicated to analyzing the underlying roots, followed by some equivalently far-reaching resolutions to this dire problem.
There is a controversial notion heating up a debate over why do consumers choose imported food over local food. This essay is devoted to analyzing the roots with equivalent solutions, followed by parallel justifications.
There is a tremendously controversial perspective heating a debate over purchasing foreign food is more priority than local ones. This essay is devoted to the reasons why people buy overseas foodstuff, follow by some far
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