IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the past, there were not technological advancements that tracked the human’s behaviour. However, the recent years have witnessed these technologies monitoring it. Both drawbacks along with benefits linked to this topi
The exponential growth in technology has been a boon as well as a curse for humanity. Every new advance is similar to a coin with two sides. Thus, new security measures like cellphone tracking and cameras have led to a n
In the modern age, we are witnessing a severe rise in the incidence of technology miss abusing day by day. In fact, People’s behaviour and conversations are being observed through mobile phones and other smart devices wi
It is undeniable that nowadays technology has involved in our daily life much more than in the past. The using of technology to monitor what user is doing or saying has been increasing. However, the users might not know
In modern society technology become a massive thing to use it, and public community using it wherever they pace. Firstly, I will discuss the advantages of this trend, then secondly I will provi
These days, citizen behaviors are detected by technology for preventing crime and helping police investigation widely. Therefore, they do not aware of being used and restricted their personal life from the authorities. I
Today, new technologies let us perform many useful functions. It is well known that we are being followed through security cameras and cellphone tracking. In this essay, I will explore whether the advantages of this adva
It is undeniable that some technologies at the present play an important role in using to monitor what people are saying and doing, such as security cameras and tracking functions of mobile phones. In sometimes, many peo
In this Modern era, technology being more advanced we can see spy cameras everywhere in the developed cities, moreover, people don't even know that someone is watching them always. The advantages are Increased security s
Technological advancements are being used for many purposes across the world. In this contemporary world, it is playing an indispensable role to monitor information exchanged over phones and actions performed with the he
Today new machines and devices invented nowadays can collect and service data of users or a stranger person without their awareness of these actions. Some people think that violate seriously their right to privacy and fr
It is true that technological devices such as surveillance video or mobile phone are utilised for monitoring public activities these days. In the most common case, many people do not realise that they are being monitored
In this day and age, due to the technology advancement, people are being monitored by smart devices like cell phones, while most of them have no clue about this. Many people believe that this is an invasion of their priv
Nowadays, the use of some tracking devices such as cellphones and security cameras has been popular. As in many cases, people are not aware that these tracking machines has been used for them . I believed that there are
The advancement of technology has been escalating the usage of tracking actions of the population (for instance, by using smartphone tracing and CCTV surveillance). However, in some situations, the masses do not know tha
It is a growing concern that our private information is being recorded without our consent due to the popularity of digital devices. Personally, the benefit of keeping community and nation safe are outweighed by its draw
Technology these days play an important role in our life. Noticeably, technology on tracking voice and security have been becoming more popular around the world. Some people think it is useful but some think this develop
Nowadays, modern technologies such as tracking system have been widely applied in every aspect of our life. It is argued by some that being monitored is a violation of human right, while others hold a view that cellphone
With the development of modern technology, advanced gadgets such as GPS location has been widely used to monitor people, making impressionable people claim that this is violating human rights. However, from my perspectiv
The world around us has definitely changed with the advent of technology. Human being nowadays are been monitored via their electronic devices by various organisations\individuals. In many cases, people are not aware of
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