IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Recent decades have witnessed an ever-increasing number of individuals using the Internet to communicate with their friends. This scenario, nonetheless, plays a pivotal role in human relationships. Unsurprisingly, this
These days techonology is growing very fast. At this time, people behaviour has change because of upcoming every new machines that change the life of living and this is going to affect people connection. we will discuss
Nowadays, sophisticated variety of technology has a significant impact on the communication of habitats, by altering styles and manners of interacting with each other. I opine that this might have both detrimental and po
In this digital era where automation has merged into the social system, the public throughout the world has changed social interaction online. Although it unbearably births many adverse developments, I firmly believe it
Recently, more and more people have easily communicated with their peers thanks to the advance in technology. This advancement positively impacts some parties in the way they strongly build relationships among humans as
In this digital era where automation has merged into the social system, the public throughout the world has changed social interaction online. Although it unbearably gives birth to many negative developments, I firmly
Recently, the role played by modern gadgets is altering people’s kinds of interaction.The question of how these devices may cause influences to people’s relationship circles, however, remains a conundrum. Personally, I t
In recent decades, the advent of modern technology has opened a doorway to uncountable possibilities to communicate and perform various lively activities virtually. In this context,it is reported that the medium through
The technology is dominating humankinds' life in many aspects recently, especially the way people communicating has influenced. This due to its advancement which getting broader. This is, pehaps, a positive sign which I
Numerous changes in society have been brought about by technological advancement. Communicative interaction is one of the most sophisticated modifications made by technology. While there are several limitations in modern
In this contemporary epoch, whilst proponents hold the view that communicating through technology has a plethora of advantages , opponents have a diverse perspective . However, this has a deleterious impact on the human
People are more dependent on technology today than ever before. However, the dependency is not completely advantageous or disadvantageous. I agree more with the development of positive impact of technology in changes of
In this day and age, the development of technology has changed the way people communicate with each other. This essay will discuss how technology impacts on making relationships among people and admit that this is a welc
Due to the advanced technology which has become importantthe importance for human life, it has affected the ways of communication to many people around the world. In my opinion, the appearance of technology is a positive
In this day and age, the innovation of advanced technology has significant modifications in the way people communicate with each other. In this essay, I will examine some of the most considerable impacts that this progr
It seems to be an increasingly widespread problem that the public is more likely to communicate with others online rather than talk with others face to face in the past.
It seems to be an increasing widespread problem that people more likely to communicate with others online rather than talk with others face to face in the past.
In recent years, high-tech has altered the way individuals communicate with each other both in daily life and work, which triggered multiple influences. There is some uncertainty as to the merits and demerits of this ten
According to the last year,the relationships between people have changed so much.This phenomenon is going to be more present than in the past day by day.Absolutely I feel these alters in relation to my society.I feel thi
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