IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, pollution is becoming a serious problem. One reason for that is the production of an excessive amount of rubbish. There are many reasons behind this phenomenon and governments should find solutions to this prob
Currently, people make numerous waste in the environment which is causing negatively affect eround us.In this essay I will elaborate the reasons behind this case providing some solutions to reduce this issue .
In the present ambience, people are making a lot of garbage in their daily activities. Hence, the environment and air can get polluted easily. The main reason behind on this is most people don’t be aware about it and the
In this contemporary epoch, it is clearly observed that the waste in the surroundings is increasing at a high rate in comparison to the yesteryears. This scenario has various negative effects on the environment. This ess
In resent days, the enormous amout of waste is caused by individuals worldwide. This essay explores some reasons for the considerable increase of rubbish, and I will express a few possible solutions to manage this amount
In recent times, the way of life of folk is making a lot of rubbish which can raise more detrimental impact on our world. This essay will discuss the cause of these problems and provide some solutions that the regime
Nowadays domestic waste productions are incresdng day by day due to the changed lifestyle and urbanisation. The government should make awareness to use sustainable and reusable product to reduce waste production. In th
Is it right to say that a high amount of rubbish production is a matter of grave concern? As a matter of fact, Governmental bodies should take a step forward to deal with this situation by hiring engineers for waste mana
Waste production and management have been a cause of concern globally. These days there has been a significant increase in the amount of rubbish. This essay will discuss why this might be the case and how the problem cou
Waste production and management have been a cause of concern globally. These days there has been a significant increase in the amount of rubbish. This essay will discuss why this might be the case and how the problem cou
It has been recently observed that the amount of waste generated by dwellers is increasing day by day. In this essay, I would like to shed light on the possible reasons for this trend along with the role high authorities
It is true that we are making much more rubbish. There are various reasons why this is the case. In my opinion, this problem is a result of our consumer culture and the government could do more to deal with this issue.
It is not hard to find that sidewalks and subways are covered with trash at the end of the day. More and more garbages are produced by humans. It does not only destroy the view of our city but also introduces rats that c
In recent times the production of less valuable things is on the rise. Ultimately times have changed and scrap is generated in every home today because of how things are being packaged now. while there are ways to balanc
World population nowdays is getting bigger and the environment pollution also increasing for no doubt. Everyday we are producing waste more than we recycle it. This essay will discuss more about this issue.
Currently, the amount of garbage produced by people is increasing and it is very threatening for future generations. There are a plethora of reasons for this phenomenon but few will be presented in this essay. Moreover,
We all know that recently the discart of used products has become a big enviroment issue, consumism add a lack of knowledge of how to discart and recycling is a main reason for this large amount of rubbish, This essay wi
Disposing of debris has become a big problem for society. Because there is no proper measure to discharge the waste. In this essay, I will explain the reasons for the increasing amount of garbage and possible solutions t
Rubbish has been produced much more than before. There are a few possible reasons for the change that should be corrected. Hence, governments are expected to deal with the problem related to waste production actively.
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