IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Thanks to better diagnostic tools and improved healthcare, people can now live much longer than they used to in the past. In my opinion, this development has advantages and disadvantages in equal measure.
In the last decade, there are many new equipment were discovered in the medical field and due to this fact many people could save their lives. The benefits are more while using new improved medical technology, majority o
Undoubtedly one cannot negate the fact that the topic of development in the field of medical care leads people to live longer life has been at the forefront and widely debated due to its ubiquitous impacts. After careful
Lifetime expectations of mankind have increased through the centuries due to the positive effect of changes in environmental circumstances.
In the past few years, medical care is constantly on the rise people are benefited by taking medical services and experiencing long life. Although it is very expensive. I believe that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks
In recent times, it is becoming increasingly common for people who believe that improving of medical care become cause of growth life expectancy of people. I strongly believe that this trend can have both positive and ne
In recent times, it is becoming increasingly common for people who believe that improving medical care becomes the cause of the growth in life expectancy of people. I strongly believe that this trend can have both posit
In recent years, with the outstanding progress of medical techniques, more and more diseases that in the past used to be fatal can be treated. This essay will discuss both the benefits and the disadvantages of this even
Due to the advancement in technology in the healthcare sector, it is believed that many people will live longer and increase their life expectations. However, in my opinion, I suppose that the drawbacks will outweigh the
Improved medical technologies resulted in an increase in the life of human beings, this notion has both positives and negatives although one can stay longer with their parents it leads to overpopulation. I believe that m
It is certainly true that with the advancement of technology, health facilities are enhanced at a fast pace. Some citizens assert that people have a long duration of their life and a burgeon in life expectancy is noticed
In this modern era, the life expectancy become longer because of the medical improvement, which permits one to live a normal life even if some type of pathologies such as diabetes or asthma.
In this modern era, the life expectancy bcome longer beacuse of the medical improved, which permits to live a normal life even if some type of patologies as diabetes or asthma.
Living in the technologically advanced era has its perks, with one of the most significant features being the availability of top-notch medical care. As many individuals across the world are provided with such a blessing
These days, medicine is developed more than ever before so which leads to the rise of humanity's health and life duration. In my opinion, the upsides of medical improvements outweigh the drawbacks and in this essay, I wi
Compared to the past, our living conditions and our life expectancy have increased due to better medical care. This improvement has brought to our life several benefits but also problems. In this essay I’m going to discu
In the modern world, an increasing number of people live longer than before thanks to the medical advancement. As consequences, there are several prominent merits emerged. For example, people can now enjoy longer life wi
In the modern era, the advancement of healthcare enables people to live longer. This can cause numerous benefits to mankind, while it can potentially lead to some drawbacks. This essay will examine and compare the pros a
When people get more medical care, people will have more maximum age and life expentancy will grow up. For disadvantages of this development, population will grow up too that need more source from our environment. The wo
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